I think this plain ol' endoskeleton is a great figure, my only issue with it is the chin doesn't jut out far enough in profile. Comparing it to the film I found it really should have more of a Jimmy Hill chin.
Yeah, I've started my Terminator collection also a few days ago
Purchased on Saturday my John and yesterday the T700. I was looking for the T800, but no one sells it, so I had to go with the T700 I've only snapped the T700 because the price was so low (120$ including shippment to Germany is really cheap ) But I really would love to own the T800. I really hope that HT is planing to do another run with their T800 when the next movie starts...
Waked up today in the morning and what the heck, this machine asked me where he could find John Connor. After I couldn't tell him where he is, I snapped some pics of him
My first endo :chew I'm so glad to have him hope you like it
Now I've to wait for JC... hooray