Yeah I hope so to, you are right the Endo looks pretty dam good!
Its very cool but from a likeness standpoint its about as off as any of the Joker's you guys are talking about.
Yeah I hope so to, you are right the Endo looks pretty dam good!
Its very cool but from a likeness standpoint its about as off as any of the Joker's you guys are talking about.
TBH I wouldn't know, not that much of a Terminator fan. I think people were happy when they fixed the gap in the teeth or something.
Care to clarify what is so inaccurate about it?
Well I'm one of the Terminator obsessives but even I'm not an endo-expert to be honestI'll be repeating in broadstrokes what the more knowledgable have said and I don't disagree with them.
Its supposedly based on the endoskeleton from the first film but in name only because thats the license that happened to be available (Enterbay having the T2 one). HT didn't care to examine that particular endoskeleton and pick out the details that set it apart from the T2 version. Instead evidence suggests they just copied a Sideshow piece even down to its mistakes including overly prominent teeth. And no, they didn't 'fix' a tooth gap. In fact there should be a gap between the 2 front teeth mimicking Arnie's dentition and there isn't one on the figure. And with the headsculpt theres other things like the jaw not being wide enough. Theres also innaccuracies about the limbs, particularly if its supposed to be a 'T1' endo - like the slightly different forearm and hand construction, and I think there a difference about the kneecaps.
So anyway there you go, all figures - to non-fans and casual fans - look amazing and perfect. But the obsessed will usually find something.
Wow thanks for the info, those inaccuracies are pretty important if they distinguish it from a T2 Endo one. I would be pretty pissed off if I was a fan of the Terminator stuff.
Another good point and so true! For example, some people are obsessed with the Enterbay Batman clips being too big or in the wrong place and think the figure sucks because those reasons and needs to be modded. I am not really fan of the Batman begins suit so I had no idea what was wrong with it. I just think overall it looks like a nice figure and looks like Bale as Batman.![]()
I'm a Terminator fan and the inaccuracies don't bother me at all to be honest. Granted, I am not a Terminator obsessive like some people.
I haven't seen the figure in person, but personally I think the inaccuracies are small and most people would probably only notice if comparing side by side with the real thing. Probably the most noticeable inaccuracy for me would be the teeth really. It still looks awesome and still looks like a Terminator endoskeleton at the end of the day.
It's different compared to a figure of a real person, as you have to match the likeness of that person's face which is much more difficult, and that sort of thing is much more noticeable if it's not accurate. Take this figure for example (QS001), it's very obvious that this does not look like Christan Bale, and that's what kills it for me the most (and for most people I would assume). I'm not obsessed with having the most accurate figure of a person down to the most intricate details, but if this thing at least looked like Christian Bale wearing the bat suit, and had a fairly accurate cowl I'd be interested.
That's my biggest issue with this release. As much as some of the other stuff bugs me, with the wealth of accessories and features, I'd be happy to overlook some of the minor things and pre-order this guy if they fixed the mouths, PERS, cowls, and Wayne head. If it doesn't look like him, why would I buy it?![]()
Exactly. Doesn't matter how detailed or how awesome the figure looks, if it doesn't look like the actor it's supposed to represent, then there's no point buying the thing.If it doesn't look like him, why would I buy it?![]()
That's why I'm hoping the delay is more than being related to 500 new Iron Man releases. I hope they have been in the process of some changes to the head and mouths. I have my doubts it will be anything significant but anything is possible.
You never know. The only thing that gives me the slightest bit of hope that this may actually turn out good is that their endoskeleton turned out pretty awesome, despite so many people complaining that it would turn out crap, but were actually really pleased with it once the in-hand photos showed up.
Exactly. Doesn't matter how detailed or how awesome the figure looks, if it doesn't look like the actor it's supposed to represent, then there's no point buying the thing.
Dude - that's a great post.So anyway there you go, all figures - to non-fans and casual fans - look amazing and perfect. But the obsessed will usually find something.
Dude - that's a great post.
It sums up my SW OCD to a TEE.
Can I use it for a tag under my sig?![]()
Exactly. Doesn't matter how detailed or how awesome the figure looks, if it doesn't look like the actor it's supposed to represent, then there's no point buying the thing.
You never know. The only thing that gives me the slightest bit of hope that this may actually turn out good is that their endoskeleton turned out pretty awesome, despite so many people complaining that it would turn out crap, but were actually really pleased with it once the in-hand photos showed up.
The problem is you have lots of crazy people who no matter how great a sculpt is will declare"this looks nothing like ....." . I amazed when I see a RDJ head this looks at least 90 percent like the actor and someone makes a crazy statement like that.
It's because we've seen hundreds of headsculpts now, and it's caused us to be more selective in what we choose to add to our collections. If a headsculpt is 90% accurate, no way in hell would I be satisfied enough to display him with the rest. It could ruin the lifelike effect of the entire display