Super Freak
The problem is you have lots of crazy people who no matter how great a sculpt is will declare"this looks nothing like ....." . I amazed when I see a RDJ head this looks at least 90 percent like the actor and someone makes a crazy statement like that.
Yeah but then you hav those other people, where the sculpt looks nothing like the actor and people think it is the best sculpt they have ever seen because Hot Toys made it.

It's because we've seen hundreds of headsculpts now, and it's caused us to be more selective in what we choose to add to our collections. If a headsculpt is 90% accurate, no way in hell would I be satisfied enough to display him with the rest. It could ruin the lifelike effect of the entire display
Yeah I am too spoiled, I want a Joker that looks like Ledger after seeing Adam's sculpts and now want a Batman that looks like Bale after seeing Enterbay sculpts!

People see things differently I suppose. Some people may see it, some may not. Take the DX11 for example. Whilst I don't think the likeness is spot on, I definitely see some Ledger in the sculpt when viewed on an angle, but some people think it looks nothing like him.
I admit I was one of them, until I saw it unpainted, it is the best Hot Toys toys Joker sculpt to date. Only thing that is really off with that is the jaw is really wide and round and nose is too thin, sculpt wise. I think it has potential just like the Enterbay one does, but nevertheless, needs to be resculpted for it to come to close to be 90% accurate. Plus it would look more realistic with sculpted eyes and not plastic ones!
You can also have a sculpt that looks very good and very lifelike, as in, it looks like a real person, but doesn't look like the actor. I think the cowl head sculpt on the QS001 looks quite detailed and realistic, I just don't think it looks like Christian Bale at all, and when you're paying that sort of money, it should look like Christian Bale, and not kind of like Christian Bale, but 100% Christian Bale, or damn close to it.
Yeah that is true, but I have to disagree with one thing though, I don't think this looks realistic at all. Like I said before looks kind of cartoony looking with large eyes, which also look like googly eyes in some pics. Then again, I guess it looks kind of realistic from a distance.

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