Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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If people don't like a figure then they shouldn't fill up the thread with all their negative messages.

There is so much hate for these figures - at least we have companies like HT and EB who make them so we can all collect and enjoy.

Those who hate and those who find fault because Batman's ab section is 1mm too close together or the Joker's socks are one shade of pastel too dark - go away and leave the thread alone. Let those who want to enjoy these figures do so without having to navigate their way through all your negative comments.

THANK YOU. :clap
Did you never see the "Platty is awesome!" Thread. Nothing but praise.

Nope never saw that. If people want to just gather round and praise it then they should create a separate thread called "1/4 Batman figure: praises only" :lol
Really? If you don't like people pointing out faults than you're kinda dumb. Sure it sucks realizing for yourself that there are a bunch of inaccuracies, but if people don't point them out, HT won't fix it and you won't have the best figure you could for the price you pay.
Really? If you don't like people pointing out faults than you're kinda dumb. Sure it sucks realizing for yourself that there are a bunch of inaccuracies, but if people don't point them out, HT won't fix it and you won't have the best figure you could for the price you pay.

Totally agree - if those faults were Batman's suit being pink or the Joker having six arms. But what people point out on these threads is bordering on obsessive compulsive - apprently forgetting that these are figures and not 1:1 scale.

And as for calling people dumb - no no. :lecture Avoid personal remarks.

If people don't like a figure then they shouldn't fill up the thread with all their negative messages.

There is so much hate for these figures - at least we have companies like HT and EB who make them so we can all collect and enjoy.

Those who hate and those who find fault because Batman's ab section is 1mm too close together or the Joker's socks are one shade of pastel too dark - go away and leave the thread alone. Let those who want to enjoy these figures do so without having to navigate their way through all your negative comments.

"Amusing..but pointless"

See you again, or someone else posting the same stuff, a few pages down the track as per the endless cycle of this forum.
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I wish they'd have done the begins suit. I don't like this suit much. Cool features tho. Not keen on the interchangable mouths though, non of them look much like bales mouth. Full bale headsculp is as off as enterbays (if they could have a baby it'd be perfect though) but close enough. If this was the begins suit i'd buy it.
Totally agree - if those faults were Batman's suit being pink or the Joker having six arms. But what people point out on these threads is bordering on obsessive compulsive - apprently forgetting that these are figures and not 1:1 scale.

And as for calling people dumb - no no. :lecture Avoid personal remarks.

yeah I apologize for the dumb thing and the faults being pointed out are not crazy, the lack of a mesh suit small fist, wrong texture and shape of the cowl, peeling rubber, big shoulders, etc. We should be able to get some fixes for the prices we pay. Personally I think you just love it so much, and are in denial cause you want it to be perfect.
yeah I apologize for the dumb thing and the faults being pointed out are not crazy, the lack of a mesh suit small fist, wrong texture and shape of the cowl, peeling rubber, big shoulders, etc. We should be able to get some fixes for the prices we pay. Personally I think you just love it so much, and are in denial cause you want it to be perfect.

I agree with your last sentence. I believe this is why i personally dont care for all the negativity, I admit to it. I will also say that there are certain things that dont quite match up, such as the BW sculpt or the fabric under-suit.
I just think some of the critiques are based on bad judgement ( shoulders, hands size). Unless you've studied human body proportions, dont expect to get good feedback.
I agree with your last sentence. I believe this is why i personally dont care for all the negativity, I admit to it. I will also say that there are certain things that dont quite match up, such as the BW sculpt or the fabric under-suit.
I just think some of the critiques are based on bad judgement ( shoulders, hands size). Unless you've studied human body proportions, dont expect to get good feedback.

I respect this. Personally I dig this, and would love to have it, but I'm broke, but I can't deny the inaccuracies and I respect that you admit your denial. At the end of the day, if your happy with it on your shelf, who the ____ cares?
Man the more I look at this thing the more I want it. I see a bunch of the flaws but I think a good amount of them will be fixed before release. Really if it's only the hands and arms I'd be completely happy.

I really think I'll be jumping into the 1/4 game with this guy. If it's in the $400 range and I can flex pay at $50 a month for the next year I think he's bought. Never thought I'd go bigger than 1/6 but this could be a museum quality figure that can stand on it's own without any other QS.
Take note Enterbay..... this is how you do a 1/4 scale Batman

Just take my money now Hot Toys, just take it now :thud::thud::thud:
This piece is absolutely amazing.

I agree. I know there are people that will nitpick this thing to death, but honestly if you can't be happy with this representation of Batman I don't think anything would ever be sufficient.
I agree. I know there are people that will nitpick this thing to death, but honestly if you can't be happy with this representation of Batman I don't think anything would ever be sufficient.

But It really does look like a giant 1/6 scale Batman figure IMO, kind of like the REALLY BIG classic Star Wars figures :rotfl. HT did not improve on any details with this larger scale figure at all.
But It really does look like a giant 1/6 scale Batman figure IMO, kind of like the REALLY BIG classic Star Wars figures :rotfl. HT did not improve on any details with this larger scale figure at all.

But to me, I still think it's fine. HT crams an amazing amount of detail on their 1/6 scale stuff, and I can't think of anything I would have liked added to the 1/4 scale figure. Some of us are just easy going.