So while we wait I've been thinking of display options. Looks like I'm going with this to display this guy.
Since I don't have a lot of shelf room I'm going to likely get a cheap wooden pedestal from Amazon to put the case on. Takes up less room but should look good. Anyone have a Legends case? Good? Bad?
The measurements say 23" tall, I'm not sure if that's including the black portions or not. 1/4 Bats is about 19" I think, so there's a chance, but I agree, you should wait for the official measurements perhaps to see if it will fit with the base.
Can someone please post a picture of the EB 1/4 BM mouth piece next to the 1/6 DX12 mouthpiece?
Could you possibly re-size your sig? I makes my computer screen crash!
Could you possibly re-size your sig? I makes my computer screen crash!
Thanks No need to delete, just re-size.
What are sideshow playing at it shows that my last payment is on the 5th of this month but it does not show carriage charge and its due out tomorrow. What the hell is going on?
I think those measurements BBTS quoted are external measurements and not internal.
Geil has this and here are the measurements he quoted me
h21", d7", w11"
If the figure is 19 inches without the base then with the base I doubt it will fit.
Its getting pushed out. Spoke to Kathy at SS. My final flex is Oct 5th. They just haven't sent out notifications yet for some reason.