Hot Toys TDKR: 1/4th scale Batman [QS001] - Full Reveal & Specs

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My batman in his final resting place!

I've noticed who I'm guessing are females in the Loki threads (Thor/Avengers). They love Tom Hiddleston.

My girlfriend loves Henry Cavill. She keeps asking when am I gonna get a MOS superman figure. I said as soon as he is released. Lol
One more thing to add. This is what I told my GF once when she started to complain about my hobbies (gaming, toys...all the geek stuff). Is my hobby hurting anyone? Is it physically hurting you or your family? I can be doing even worse things like drugs, alcohol abuse, gangs. If my lifestyle isn't harming anyone or myself, stop nagging. So unless I'm setting your house on fire, let me be.

That sounded harsh, but that was said when I was at my angriest. But it's the truth.

If you take your girl out, treat her well, love her, do all the things a loving BF should do...then what's wrong with your hobby? What? Because you should conform to what 'society' deems as a real man? Wear a v neck sweater on top of a button down, playing backyard football with your sports buddies, coaching your nephews softball league?


A man is someone that provides for his loved ones, a real man never cheats on his GF, a real man makes others around them feel secure. If you meet one of those criteria, then you're good to go. And your significant other needs to reevaluate herself if she's bothered by your simple hobby.

Things are great in my relationship. It took some work to get to where we are today. The reason I'm so passionate about it is because I've heard horror stories from friends and acquaintances. It's unfortunate really. When good relationships break up over the lamest things when all thats needed is a slight paradigm shift, an open mind.

Of course, there's always an extreme....when the guy ONLY focuses on his hobbies and neglects all aspects of his life.

Great post man :hi5:

Im so glad that I found a girlfriend who not only supports me and my collecting/video gaming, but can sit here with me and look at all the cool things that get posted on this board and appreciate it with me, she's a huge admirer of alot of the work on here (especially walking dead customs)

For anyone with a gf who isn't accepting of this stuff... well not to tell you what to do, but you need to be happy with yourself at the end of the day, if you can give up all this stuff for another person then thats awesome and maybe your love for them is stronger than love for a hobby. but I think you should have someone who doesn't want to change you :peace
I think you may be just going at that point in your life where you realize you may be collecting more than what you Need, not Want.
I think there's a lot of us that at one point, look at our collectibles and realize some of the figures have no emotional attachment to them...its just that some may have been an impulse buy cause it was a nice figure and a lot of people wanted them.

I sold many figures after realizing this and only kept figures that I absolutely love.
Looked at each figure and asked myself, Would I regret it if I sell this figure? If the answer was went to Ebay.
Then there's the figures that I know I would get hearbroken if I would ever have to part with it.
Are these figure waste of money? I dont think so.

For me personally it brings a lot of joy, and there's almost never a day goes by I dont look at them.
Before going to work, my morning always starts by drinking coffee in front of my collectibes and eat breakfast.
It makes my morning start on a great to me, if it brightens my day every morning...its worth it.


I think you may have just talked me out of getting the Dark World Thor.
It's BIN. I guess I really shouldn't compare taobao to eBay. It's a website dedicated to online retailers. Perhaps I should compare it

Wow it's so cheap on there. I guess they only ship within China right?

I certainly wouldn't dare. And I do pay over the MSRP and I've also probably spent a fortune on parts on ebay that I didn't keep track of.

No I don't want to think about either. :horror

Look a the Spider-Man thread: I was somehow excited for it. My first Spidey! Just you go and take a look at the abomination they just released. BUT that's not the worst part. People are just justifying their purchase by saying that even with all the imperfections (wrong HS, wrong body size, wrong eyes, neck looks like a giraffe, he's short like a dwarf, AND he can't do extreme poses because the shoulders WILL break. Out of all figures, Spidey CANT do extreme poses. They literally flame me whenever I say anything negative about that piece of crap.
Does this hobby makes us blind too? Not for the amount of $$$ they ask of us.

Yeah I found that quite weird to, I think people just want to be in denial.

Take EB bats, for example. As nice as the 1/4 HT figure is, as awesome as it looks, IT CANT TOUCH IT. And the EB bats was cheaper. IS cheaper. I'm not rooting for EB here, as their products are expensive too.

Do you mean as far as accuracy goes? Like it looks more like Bale as Batman than this one does?

And yes, maybe I'm in a point in life where things are hitting me differently than what some of you experience. There's always the girlfriend analogy: how much they spend in shoes, bags, whathaveyou. Well, they look f$&@#g hot when they wear them. I can't be alone in this. I just can't. It's hard to find a girl that finds this hobby acceptable, and if you did, marry her already. That just doesn't apply to me, and it's becoming a very hard thing to deal with.

Your not. ;)

Will I quit? I doubt it. Although I've started selling part of my collection (HT) locally so that I can stop feeling this sense of guilt and somewhat buyers remorse for more than half the HT figures I own (Barney Ross. I BOUGHT Barney Ross. WHY?)

Sorry if becoming annoying. This is the ONLY place I can talk about this freely. My family? Ha!
My gf? Suuure. I love her to death, and she's right when she says I shouldn't spend that much on these things. And she believes they cost $150. Yup.

I really don't want to take away the excitement that is for some of you to own this figure, so excuse my rant.

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Wow what would she do if she found out what these really cost?:horror

One more thing to add. This is what I told my GF once when she started to complain about my hobbies (gaming, toys...all the geek stuff). Is my hobby hurting anyone? Is it physically hurting you or your family? I can be doing even worse things like drugs, alcohol abuse, gangs. If my lifestyle isn't harming anyone or myself, stop nagging. So unless I'm setting your house on fire, let me be.

That sounded harsh, but that was said when I was at my angriest. But it's the truth.

If you take your girl out, treat her well, love her, do all the things a loving BF should do...then what's wrong with your hobby? What? Because you should conform to what 'society' deems as a real man? Wear a v neck sweater on top of a button down, playing backyard football with your sports buddies, coaching your nephews softball league?


A man is someone that provides for his loved ones, a real man never cheats on his GF, a real man makes others around them feel secure. If you meet one of those criteria, then you're good to go. And your significant other needs to reevaluate herself if she's bothered by your simple hobby.

Things are great in my relationship. It took some work to get to where we are today. The reason I'm so passionate about it is because I've heard horror stories from friends and acquaintances. It's unfortunate really. When good relationships break up over the lamest things when all thats needed is a slight paradigm shift, an open mind.


Of course, there's always an extreme....when the guy ONLY focuses on his hobbies and neglects all aspects of his life.


Well l said.

Are there any girls in here?? Do female collectors exist?

Yeah ironically they hang out in the statue section whereas us males hang out here in the doll section. :lol
I agree, this time they nailed Thor.
If I were to get a Thor it would be this one but I don't care for the character, never have. :dunno