Hmn. All this debate about items being worth what they are priced got me thinking.
I just went and looked at my collection (and several others I have boxed up due to space) and I'm somewhat shocked. Between Takara MP's ( all of them released to date, except reissues) and the HT figures I started collecting two years ago, I have almost $23,000 "invested" on TOYS. And that is retail value ( I NEVER pay more than what they were MSRP'd for, REFUSE TO, WILL NEVER DO IT. $50 more is $50 more).
Yes, if I do decide to sell them for any reason, I'm sure that I will get my money back, if not some more. But then I think, where are my priorities? My semester is paid for, all bills are paid in time, etc. I can consider myself lucky, as I do well. But somehow my common sense has started playing games with me. A family can be fed with $23,000 here in the states, and quite possibly three families could in some third world country like the one my family and myself come from. I do feel regret, and it's become even worse lately.
Not that my savings are bad, but there could be more. Invest in more stocks, but property, I don't know. I use to drink like an idiot when I was younger, but that's over. But yeah, you could spend what a HT Robo with chair costs on a very stupid night (and not even get laid, true story). I'm in no way justifying what these things cost, because there's not a single rational explanation that could ever do that. These are toys. Absolutely beautifully made toys based on stuff we LOVED as kids. It's the whole nostalgia factor, my dad loved watching Transformers with me, and they were very hard to find where I'm from, and if you did, they were priced out of our means. An Optimus Prime was priced at almost $130 at a local store (American Dollars, a currency that was valued almost X3 of the value of ours) so it was a definitive NO. And it sucked. And the show sucks in Spanish also. Megatron is hilarious.
I'm now more inclined in collecting stuff I ABSOLUTELY adore, stuff i watched/read 1,000 times and never found it boring. Stuff that reminds me of the good times, those long family movie marathons (terminator, robocop, etc)
I love this batman, I love it. But i now only see $500 on my shelf that could've been used for lots of other, significant things instead of admiring it. That has got to be a sign that means things are going to change for me from now on.
I don't know if anyone here has experienced something like this, nor in trying to be a downer, these are my two cents, and just that.
Like someone said before, I really don't care how much of a millionaire you are. You can be Romney-wealthy, and that's fine. But $300 on a toy can not be justified. It can be argued that you have to have it, and that's fine.
Arnie sounds very funny in Spanish too, but it's funny that they dubbed the entire T2 film except for the "hasta la vista baby" part. Lol.
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