An awesome figure lent to me by a facebook community friend , hope you enjoy the review :O)
Just to warn everyone - the swearing in these videos is very offensive. Lots of 'f ***ks' and even a 'c**nt*. Why an action figure review has to have such offensive language, I don't know.
??? What lol
He's on about the belt being high. Also nice to see the EB in a legend studios case, need to pick another up.
I'm pretty sure we are all adults in here so the swearing shouldn't really be a big deal.
I think a number of younger people use this forum and, despite being an adult myself, I do not like to hear foul language.
It was simply a heads-up.
Just to warn everyone - the swearing in these videos is very offensive. Lots of 'f ***ks' and even a 'c**nt*. Why an action figure review has to have such offensive language, I don't know.
An awesome figure lent to me by a facebook community friend , hope you enjoy the review :O)
Looks like the cowl recasting has begun .
I'm pretty sure we are all adults in here so the swearing shouldn't really be a big deal.