Too early to judge yet whether I want this figure or not (these pics don't really do it for me in terms of the likeness) but I have to say, this comes as a big surprise for me.
Potential T-1000? Possible Tech Noir/Police Shootout? ???? yeah. I'd buy both of those in a heartbeat.
As far as this figure goes though, I sense better versions down the road. The things I like about it are,
- The clothes. Hot Toys always delivers. I'm sure the leather jacket will be much better than the first Battle Damaged T-800 which was/is pretty perfect.
- With that said, owning the very first "Arnold" Terminator it's fun to see how it was presented then and the vast improvements now. They're both from different films, one had likeness issues while this one doesn't and this one is current while the first Terminator was one of the first figures made by Hot Toys. Getting it and having that whole "then and now" comparison is really cool.
As far as negatives go,
- Don't really like the sunglasses on this guy. Not so much the shades but the way they are held in place around the temple and ears.
- The neck. I would have preferred the sculpted neck post, not this weird looking articulation cut. We can get the same desired movements with the sculpted neck post which is superior in terms of function and aesthetics in my opinion.
- Possible MMS DX or "better" Uncle Bob. I don't really want this one if a better one is coming seeing as though I'm running out of room.
- Lack of accessories. I think he should come with a little more. Maybe I'm spoiled from my Hot Toys Batman figures though. I want alternate heads, guns, the works. Don't know if an extra arm, a few guns and roses can cut it.
- This is definitely Arnold, no doubt there. I just don't like all the lines on his face, it just looks off. I don't want to say that its "too lifelike" because lets face it, realism is what we demand and what Hot Toys strives for. I just think the lines, and wrinkles (this is mostly around the brows and above the nose) detracts from the likeness a little. Trying too hard to look "human" (he's a Terminator) instead of looking how he did in the film.
It throws off the badass expression when he doesn't have the sunglasses on. He almost looks sad or something with those eyes. Can't describe it.
All that aside, I'm excited. The future of Hot Toys Terminator figures is looking pretty good. I have alot of time to think about if I want this or not and as we all know these pics never do the figure justice and are never true to the in hand experience.
Still kind of burned out from the NECA Terminators (6" and 12") and minimates that I just completed. We'll see though.