Nerf Herder
Yup it's a wiener, I'll have to get her once I acquire T-800.
That hat looks horrible..... What a deal breaker.
Yup it's a wiener, I'll have to get her once I acquire T-800.
That hat looks horrible..... What a deal breaker.
I'll put it on my cat.
Geez, the body sculpt even has the scar on her left shoulder. I can't wait for this one.
Ahhh ____, just placed my preorder.
Ah that buyers remorse just before and after clicking the 'place order' icon.
I personally felt none for this figure. A T2 figure is imperative, I would never have considered not buying it.
How will you feel if and when that T-1000 version of Sarah Connor goes up for order? Will you regret ordering this one?
It wasn't buyer's remorse really, more like "____, I wasn't planning on getting this but in-hand pics change my mind yet again" remorseI decided that Terminator is one of the very few licenses I'll allow myself to be completionist with.
^^ That is definitely some exorcist inspired headsculpting, dayum.
Anyways, the normal Sarah, what a cracking figure. Congrats to anyone who ordered it or is going to order it!