Hot Toys: Terminator Salvation T800

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I paid retail for both of mine, in fact the BD I got for $90. I'm still curious if this is a hoax...
Hoax, faux, fan made etc. :) no matter if it the HT T-800 endo is not re-released. I would have liked to get one for my cousin, he drools every time when coming to me. I would have bought maybe another one for myself too.

I'm getting an Aoshima T-800 endo right now in a trade on the forums, and I'm also looking for the new Aoshima endo (the repaint version - if different from the clean Aoshima I'm getting on SSF)

Aoshima seems to be releasing 2 endos now: black version and repaint one.

Hoax, faux, fan made etc. :) no matter if it the HT T-800 endo is not re-released. I would have liked to get one for my cousin, he drools every time when coming to me. I would have bought maybe another one for myself too.

I'm getting an Aoshima T-800 endo right now in a trade on the forums, and I'm also looking for the new Aoshima endo (the repaint version - if different from the clean Aoshima I'm getting on SSF)

Aoshima seems to be releasing 2 endos now: black version and repaint one.


Black or clean is on my hit list!
Sweet! :rock I didn't order the T-700 but I was contemplating it before I found out it wasn't even in the film. Definitely going to get this.
People are getting way too excited. This is almost certainly a mock up. I dont think even Hot Toys would be as lame to reproduce this figure.
I think HT added it to the expo just for completion's sake in honour of the TS hype at the cinemas now. I doubt its gonna be re-released. Whatshisnames' blog already said there'd be no more 800s.
In my opinon its just a custom stand that says Terminator Salvation, with an old T-800. The T-800 is identical to the original version I had.

It is funny that people are getting thier hopes up for a re-release.:lol It is just for display to promote the movie, not a new hot toys figure. Wishful thinking.
People should've got the original when he came out. Snooze you lose. I think mine was $110 new from Alter Ego.
If true, I am so getting this if by the time I can still afford it lol.
such an obvious fake. :rolleyes:

hot toys would never be as sloppy as to release a t800 endo that is identical to the t2 version. if it was supposed to be a DX, they'd definitely throw in some extras like different weapons, and at the very least an all-new base.

thanks for posting the pics...

but to the hoaxer: EPIC FAIL.
100% re-purchasing... Sold my original T2 one to a member here. because I thought they were releasing a chorom version... But this will do! And no still getting the T-700/T-RIP