I paid retail for both of mine, in fact the BD I got for $90. I'm still curious if this is a hoax...
I paid retail for both of mine, in fact the BD I got for $90. I'm still curious if this is a hoax...
Hoax, faux, fan made etc.no matter if it the HT T-800 endo is not re-released. I would have liked to get one for my cousin, he drools every time when coming to me. I would have bought maybe another one for myself too.
I'm getting an Aoshima T-800 endo right now in a trade on the forums, and I'm also looking for the new Aoshima endo (the repaint version - if different from the clean Aoshima I'm getting on SSF)
Aoshima seems to be releasing 2 endos now: black version and repaint one.
can anyone who has the existing T-800 comment on how their version differs from this version?
and yes, i am thinking of cancelling my T-700 now...
pics are too small..
Does this mean that people who own the older HT T-800's
are going to be pissed???
People should've got the original when he came out. Snooze you lose. I think mine was $110 new from Alter Ego.
Ummmm, I didn't collect HT when the first came out. Has nothing to do with snoozing...