It has always bugged me that Arnie or any other terminators can move like a human and has all the range of motion but when it comes to an Endo, the movement is really stiff, limited, and robotic.
it's a....sci-fi MOVIE! don't take it so serious
I dare wager that when the movie is release, we will see the T800 (or any of the machines) doing stuff we never though possible before.
What's happening here now is some of you guys felt that the T800 will not have any changes in the latest movie and that the filmmaker will be using the exact same model and puppet from the older movies for the current one.
That will never happen. All sane filmmakers, especially on a movie with such a budget, will surely redo the cgi models and puppets for this movie. The fact that the T800 is supposed to be the latest model chronologically doesn't matter in this prequel.
In the Star Wars prequel, we see a lot more advance stuff and tech (especially the lightsabers battle) that just doesn't really adds up when you compared to the old Trilogy. It's just Hollywood to make things look up to date even when it's a prequel.
wrong again, a lightsaber is a lightsaber and has always been the same lightsaber in the all of the 6 movies from the '70 to the '00!
Just like an endo-terminator will always be an endo-terminator from the first movie in the '80 to T4!
Personally, I'd be pissed (and I think all terminator fans) if they would make the Endo jump on rooftops and making him some sort of acrobate.
Bottom-line: the endo should stay the same as it always has been out of respect for the old movies, Respect the classics!
Sure you can make a CGI endo, wich they actually did in T3 in the opening, and wich was awsome!
Just look at the beginning here =>
They did not change the looks or movement abilities of the Endo and still it looks cool!
Just like they made the lightsabers better in the new stars wars movies, doens't mean they have changed the whole thing just because they got CGI. I bet the star wars fans would be pissed if they changed something about the lightsabers.
So don't expect to see juming, armwrestling or fitnessing Endo T-800's in T4, if you find them robotic and stiff, you'll just have to accept that this was the whole idea and look they wanted to give it!
If they would make the Endo's lean and move like real humans it would look reaaally stupid and not only would that ruïn the movie but the entire franchise!