Hot Toys THE BATMAN -1/6 Batman / Batman deluxe / Batman + batsignal set

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I really think a Catwoman will happen unless the movie tanks on opening weekend.
It seems like the female figures do move (although Captain Marvel was seriously overproduced) and it is rumored that Black Widow remains the best selling Hot Toys figure.
I feel the same. It's been very weird seeing so many people hate on this film but I imagine a lot of it has to do with the whole situation with Affleck/Snyder.

Another being that this is with Robert Pattingson, which a lot of people only know from the Twilight movies and not all the other incredible movies he's done since. I think this movie doing well will change a lot of peoples mind, much like what happened with TDK.

Hope Hot Toys does Catwoman as well.

My only complaint is that the cowl forehead is to bulbous but other than that I love it. And yea I think part of the problem is that people can’t let twilight go and still live in the year 2007 or they have loyalty to a director who they think should take over all DC movies from now on which is absolutely ridiculous. I’m seeing a lot of herd mentality when it comes to those fans. No doubt when those movie hits and if it becomes a success they’ll praise reeves as the greatest director who should headline the DC movies. Never fails
3 hours of gloriousness.

Will be interesting to see what and how many oscar nominations this will undoubtedly get. Best makeup, set design, visual effects, score, cinematography are a sure-fire at the least.
Will wait for the movie. Right now I'd probably only be interested in Batman and Catwoman (who'll hopefully get a proper cowl by the third act). The bike also looks cool. Riddler and Penguin stray far from the comics, so not sure if I'd be interested in figures.
I have yet to get a Hot Toy Batman. I think the updated Dark night returns figure is amazin. It’s is going to be tough to choose one Batman to collect and design a Diorama for.
Will wait for the movie. Right now I'd probably only be interested in Batman and Catwoman (who'll hopefully get a proper cowl by the third act). The bike also looks cool. Riddler and Penguin stray far from the comics, so not sure if I'd be interested in figures.
You think penguin does? The only thing he’s missing is the the top hat, monocle and bird features. But I understand
Robert Pattinson is one of the best modern day actors.

You really had me with your post until this... I'm looking forward to the Movie and he may do a good job but we shouldn't get carried away just yet.
I have high hopes for this movie but people are getting a bit carried away talking about Oscars and it being the best Batman movie ever. I really hope it is but let's just wait and see.

It wouldn't be the first movie to have great trailers but ultimately disappoint. Cautious optimism is where I'm at right now.

As ever I don't care about Rotten Tomatoes scores but HT almost certainly do. Hopefully it's well received and has a big enough box office to get more figures than just Batman.
How does your horse like pushing that cart? :lol

I mean Suicide Squad won for best makeup - the makeup they have done with Collin Farrell as Penguin is bound to get nominations. The cinematography looks beautiful along with the set design, the original score will probably get a nod. quote me in the future for this :')

You really had me with your post until this... I'm looking forward to the Movie and he may do a good job but we shouldn't get carried away just yet.

You need to watch The Lighthouse, Good Time, The Devil All the Time, High Life (although the film is pretty crap, his performance is good). He chooses interesting films, signed up to the new Bong Joon-ho sci-fi also. He can do nuance and over-the-top.
Easy pass for me. Even if I like the movie, I hate that Batsuit.
Same here unfortunately. I just can't get behind the collar, cowl and bat symbol. Everything else about the suit rules.

If this had a symbol and cowl similar to Batfleck, it'd be a day 1 preorder for me.
You think penguin does? The only thing he’s missing is the the top hat, monocle and bird features. But I understand
Mostly his stature. Penguin is typically a short, squat man around 5-feet or so. Sure, classically he's portrayed as wearing a tuxedo with a top hat and monocle, but that would look ridiculous in Reeve's "grounded" world. I remember when Jonah Hill was rumored for the part, which he may have even been offered, who knows. Hill is one of those actors who fits the expected archetype. However, the same argument could have been made against casting 5'9" Tom Hardy as Bane which worked out quite well for the film. I'm sure Colin Farrell in prosthetics will do an amazing and convincing job, I just don't know if I'll necessarily want a figure for the collection. Too early to tell.
That said, I'd still like to see HT produce '92 DeVito Penguin and a '66 Burgess Meredith Penguin.

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