Soooo pumped Hot toys are doing wrestling figures. Just need Hollywood and a 1/6 ring BROTHER!

Soooo pumped Hot toys are doing wrestling figures. Just need Hollywood and a 1/6 ring BROTHER!
Would have liked them to include some standard hands and undamaged shirt.
The hand taping is actually from a scene they never got around to filming. In the comic he spends time slashing his own wrists so deeply it won't heal quickly so he tapes up his arms.
In the movie the taping just appears out of nowhere halfway through and is never referenced.
Soooo pumped Hot toys are doing wrestling figures. Just need Hollywood and a 1/6 ring BROTHER!
Soooo pumped Hot toys are doing wrestling figures. Just need Hollywood and a 1/6 ring BROTHER!
maybe they will do an Insane Icon later on!
The figure's fine.
A couple o small tweaks maybe.. but that's all.
It's been mentioned that Lee's estate don't like to endorse weaponry apparently for the collectibles they've offered of Brandon to date...