Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pics

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Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Really? Another TDK suit? They've done 3 already. How about something new?

None of the 3 different "Begins Suit" releases have had oil leaking or melting. You're getting confused with DX02.

Two-Face and BR Joker were pretty damn perfect. Certainly not in need of a re-do (unlike V1 Joker and MMS71). Let's see some new Batman stuff from Hot Toys, not pointless do-overs!

Its their third TDK, and its still an instant sell out. Being a HK company and all, they know its a cash cow and they will revisit it soon enough whether you like it or not. Id much rather embrace and welcome it at this moment.

The rubber that HT use will inevitably rot sooner or later. My comedian was fine for the first 2-3 years, and started leaking oil, melt and stretched for no reason like last year. Even till now, its still leaking oil. Im 99% sure that HT is looking into EB's begins suit choice of material and are planning to release another begins. E.g. DX10 and their choice of real leather outfit :lol

Twoface and bank robber are no doubt great figures. But they are no where near perfect IMO. The outfit could use the current HT skill improved tailoring, and more proportionate body that kato advised them, and also better sculpts and paint of their current skills.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

I'm speculating that they are working on another Begins suit Batman of some kind anyway.

Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Its their third TDK, and its still an instant sell out. Being a HK company and all, they know its a cash cow and they will revisit it soon enough whether you like it or not. Id much rather embrace and welcome it at this moment.
Yeah I think we'll see new Batman figures for a while yet. At the very least until the next version of Batman on film is released. The character is too big of a cash cow for them to just stop producing. It wouldn't surprise me at all to get a new Batman Begins figure sometime soon. Honestly it would be fine with me too as I'm relatively new to collecting and wouldn't mind having the suit to have both variants.

Twoface and bank robber are no doubt great figures. But they are no where near perfect IMO. The outfit could use the current HT skill improved tailoring, and more proportionate body that kato advised them, and also better sculpts and paint of their current skills.
Harvey Dent/Two Face is definitely a character I hope gets revisited. Again being new to collecting he's near impossible to find for a reasonable price. I also agree with you that while he's not a bad figure he could be improved a bit. Even if I could find him somewhat reasonable that's part of the reason I'm hesitant on getting him. Plus you would think Hot Toys has to realize some of the prices he's fetching in the secondary markets and realize that they're missing out by not having a current figure to sell.

Bank Robber Joker would be cool but he's not entirely necessary for me I guess. I do like the figure and all but the main suit is really enough for me. Joker does seem like a good seller though so I guess from Hot Toys viewpoint it probably would make sense to revisit the character.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Its their third TDK, and its still an instant sell out. Being a HK company and all, they know its a cash cow and they will revisit it soon enough whether you like it or not. Id much rather embrace and welcome it at this moment.

lol, so you decide what you want to like based on what you think is coming up? Why not just form your own opinion? It's OK to be disappointed in Hot Toys.

The rubber that HT use will inevitably rot sooner or later. My comedian was fine for the first 2-3 years, and started leaking oil, melt and stretched for no reason like last year. Even till now, its still leaking oil. Im 99% sure that HT is looking into EB's begins suit choice of material and are planning to release another begins. E.g. DX10 and their choice of real leather outfit :lol

Again, both the Comedian and DX02 are known for leaking, but the first two "Begins Suit" figures (which are older than Comedian and DX02) have no leaking, and none has been seen from the Toy Fair Exclusive either. "Leaking oil" is not a reason to redo "Begins Suit" figures, because they aren't leaking.

Twoface and bank robber are no doubt great figures. But they are no where near perfect IMO. The outfit could use the current HT skill improved tailoring, and more proportionate body that kato advised them, and also better sculpts and paint of their current skills.

Bull****. Show me what's wrong with the tailoring (especially in BR Joker), the body, the paint app, and even the sculpts?

BR Joker is still hailed as one of the best Joker sculpt, and the only issue people have with the Two-Face sculpt seems to be very slight inaccuracies.

Really, the only noticeable improvement that could be made is on the rubberized burnt Two-Face jacket, and potentially fabric (rather than plastic) neckties, and even those aren't enough to justify doing a whole new figure.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

I'm really holding out for a DX Begins Batman. I didn't like any of the previous versions.

So far, my only Nolan items are the AWESOME BRJ, & the 1:18 Hot Wheels Tumbler, & till now I've avoided everything else. A great Batman is really all I want now - & I'm MORE than good.

At first I was thinking a few other characters would be cool.. but I've reevaluated, & Ra's, Selina, Bane etc.. are just not part of my plan. :D

I'm keeping it simple, & focused. Batman. His arch nemesis.. & the car.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

lol, so you decide what you want to like based on what you think is coming up? Why not just form your own opinion? It's OK to be disappointed in Hot Toys.

Again, both the Comedian and DX02 are known for leaking, but the first two "Begins Suit" figures (which are older than Comedian and DX02) have no leaking, and none has been seen from the Toy Fair Exclusive either. "Leaking oil" is not a reason to redo "Begins Suit" figures, because they aren't leaking.

Bull****. Show me what's wrong with the tailoring (especially in BR Joker), the body, the paint app, and even the sculpts?

BR Joker is still hailed as one of the best Joker sculpt, and the only issue people have with the Two-Face sculpt seems to be very slight inaccuracies.

Really, the only noticeable improvement that could be made is on the rubberized burnt Two-Face jacket, and potentially fabric (rather than plastic) neckties, and even those aren't enough to justify doing a whole new figure.

Why should I be disappointed? I welcome more BB suit Batman :lol

If you cant really see how much they have improved in tailoring, sculpt and paint apps over the years, I guess no amount of pics or words are gonna convince you. So I'm just gonna leave it at that :wave
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Agreed mate, I'd be thrilled to see another begins batman made as long as hot toys could really improve on it. I've posted before about what a wasted opportunity I thought the toy fairs version was. They should make a better proportioned cowl without that long neck, bette paint apps, better Wayne head, more well made accessories, and hopefully a better material for the suit. That said I have my OC batman and its been fine since I bought it 5 years ago, but the inaccuracies are something that could do with fixing.

As for Gordon, I think it's just a matter of time till we see a regular version. And if we don't, I have the SWAT version anyway, which I totally love. So I'm all good. :lol
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Yeah, i still have the OC, and so far its holdin up fine. I hope it can survive a few more years for me to enjoy :pray:
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

If you cant really see how much they have improved in tailoring, sculpt and paint apps over the years, I guess no amount of pics or words are gonna convince you. So I'm just gonna leave it at that :wave

lol, I call shenanigans on your bogus claim, and instead of presenting any evidence, you just say "I can't convince you, because it's so obvious." Nice try.

You can just admit you don't have any evidence, instead of trying to deflect it on me. Nobody's keeping score here, it's just a fan forum.

I've definitely seen "improvements" in paint apps and sculpts over the years for several figures, but I stand by the fact that BR Joker and Two-Face stand toe-to-toe with Hot Toys current work (it's things like the OC Batman "Bruce Wayne" sculpt that appear deficient). And their cloth tailoring is, and has been, top notch, including the BR Joker and Two-Face. There hasn't been much improvement because there simply isn't much room for improvement in these specific areas.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Dude, whats wrong with you :lol

Its totally fine with having different taste you know. There are some folks who thinks the The first bruce wayne sculpt that comes with the TDK batman better than the current one from DX12 or the BB ex. I say more power to them. Do i need to spend time drawing lines and compare the sculpts just to prove my point? Yeah i could, but i just cant be bothered with it. If they enjoy it, then thats all that matters.

You have to accept the fact that not everyone have the same taste. Other wise the human race would cease to exist :lol

I just feel that the twoface and BR joker could use an improvement. Thats what i think, you are welcome to think differently, thats your choice. Just like there are some folks who thinks the dx11 joker sculpt isnt as good as DX01 or bank robber joker sculpt. I respect their opinion, agree to disagree i guess :duff
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

I think it might be that week for haytil, if ya know what I mean. I don't think he realizes how he's coming off in his posts as of late.

As far as redos of the Begins suit, Bank Robber Joker and Two-Face. Personally, I'd be fine without them. I'd rather not see new versions, improvements or not, especially of Batman. Could they do a better suit and head sculpt? Probably. In fact, I think they are. Is it really needed though? Nah.

With Bank Robber Joker, there are a few things they could do I guess like make the color of the shirt more accurate or give it better tailoring (those sleeves are pretty huge), but for the most part, that original figure was great then, and it's great now.

Harvey Dent is the only real one out of those three that I think is sub par. He wasn't worth $150, $160 back in 2009, and he's definitely not worth what ever it goes for now. That figure was definitely a "wait and see" for me and I did wait and picked two up at a very cheap price. The tailoring was pretty bad as far as bulk goes and the burn damage was sort of weak. If you compare it to the specs/pics (which were fantastic) to what we got, it is pretty bad.

But I don't need, nor want any of those. Personally, I'm sick of seeing buying the same characters or versions I already have. When will it ever be enough for some folks.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

I never got a shot at BB batman so It would be cool if they did that one again. Also, I agree that two-face was kind of weak. If BR joker cost about $150 I'd go for it
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Dude, whats wrong with you :lol

Its totally fine with having different taste you know. There are some folks who thinks the The first bruce wayne sculpt that comes with the TDK batman better than the current one from DX12 or the BB ex. I say more power to them. Do i need to spend time drawing lines and compare the sculpts just to prove my point? Yeah i could, but i just cant be bothered with it. If they enjoy it, then thats all that matters.

You have to accept the fact that not everyone have the same taste. Other wise the human race would cease to exist :lol

I just feel that the twoface and BR joker could use an improvement. Thats what i think, you are welcome to think differently, thats your choice. Just like there are some folks who thinks the dx11 joker sculpt isnt as good as DX01 or bank robber joker sculpt. I respect their opinion, agree to disagree i guess :duff

OMG, you just made a blanket statement and I asked you to back it up with some support so we can see what you're talking about. No big deal, but if you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to talk about it.

(and really? Do you really think you'll find anyone who thinks MMS 71's Wayne sculpt is better than either of the last two Hot Toys Wayne sculpts that have been released? I mean, I'm fine with the original Wayne sculpt, but I'll still admit that the newer ones are leagues better...)
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

I still think the SWAT Gordan is one of HT's best sculpts, right up there with the DX06 or Supes.
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

..I don't need, nor want any of those. Personally, I'm sick of seeing buying the same characters or versions I already have. When will it ever be enough for some folks.
I didn't like any of the previous HT Begins Batman figures, & I don't own any Nolan Batmen - period.. so a brand new BB Bale with bugs ironed out - & the DX treatment, would be awesome from where I'm sitting. :wave :lol
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

Finally got mine! Wasn't too happy with the long neck so I shortened it a bit. Also added some gear.

Still a work in progress.


Added some extra SWAT members

Where did you get that sling for your shotgun? I've been looking for one for awhile and I love that style. Thanks!!
Re: Hot Toys The Dark Knight Lt. Jim Gordon S.W.A.T suit version Figure - Specs & Pic

I really hope hot toys announces a regular version of gordon soon! And after reading some posts from a while back, I'm really glad to see I'm not the only one who would love to see a DX Batman Begins suit! Hopefully we will see something veeeery soon!!!