is it worth the money ? im thinking about to get one , Thanks
That is very true thats the only scene we see bats on the Pod, i think thats why when they announced selina i was determined to get the Pod as she is on it more in the movie & i think the figure of her looks awesome & i do like the HT female characters they seem to have better proportions than the male figures & gotta love those tight costumes haha
would have been cool if HT had made the Tumbler like in the scene where its all banged up & bats activates the pod to come flying out of it, I think they would have had to make the tumbler more like a transformer for that to work but wow how cool would that have been, you get a tumbler & pod in one vehicle
Thanks man. Yeah it's a pic of the batcave that I had printed in poster size. It's part of the Tumblers display.
Where did you find a pic with enough definition to be print at this scale?
Because my dx12 would look nice in front of a Batcave poster like thant?
- Fly on rooftops!
- Fly on rooftops without falling through the roof!
- Fly on rooftops without falling through the roof whilst destroying shingles!
- Blow up!
Where did you find a pic with enough definition to be print at this scale?
Because my dx12 would look nice in front of a Batcave poster like thant?
this picture was posted log ago. I don't remember who did it :/
It also intimidates
is it worth the money ? im thinking about to get one , Thanks
is it worth the money ? im thinking about to get one , Thanks
Anyone here have any over-spray on the barrels of the longer guns on the front? I got mine and noticed a bit on one of them. I wouldn't mind it too much if the silver and black weren't such a big contrast. It kind of looks like something an amateur like myself would do.
I don't but I have heard of that before. It's few in far between though as I haven't heard that in a while.
I figured that may have been the case. I've never really painted anything with a paint gun before, and I'm sure if I tried touching it up with an acrylic paint using a brush it would look awful. At this point I would have rather have a crooked wheel; at least it's a legitimate complaint in which I could have probably received a replacement.
At the moment, I haven't taken pictures. But will tonight. I contacted both the distributor and HT (which I'll probably hear back from in 2014) hoping that they will be sympathetic to the situation. The distributor offered a gift certificate for the issue, and nothing back from HT. I will post the pictures on here tonight, maybe a painter here on the boards can fix it. I dunno, I don't expect to display it until the summer but still it would be nice to have it rectified sooner than later.
is it worth the money ? im thinking about to get one , Thanks
Yeah it very well could be an easy fix for you which is why I was wondering if you had pictures. There are many talented people on this board that could give you tips or may even do the work for you.
I get mine tommorowcan't wait. I've always loved the design of the Batpod a lot more than the Tumbler, and with space being an issue i could never display the tumbler. So the Batpod is perfect. Also once this is gone, it will shoot up in price the same as the first release did i think(if not more).
Now i need DX12 to top this badboy off, nice acrylic case and TDK backdrop to make this a nice little display.
Not really kept up with this thread a whole lot since Pre ordering, what QC issues should i look out for aside from misaligned wheels and the rare paint issue?