Hot Toys The Last Jedi Luke Skywalker 1/6 Figure

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Yeah I can definitely understand how the Luke and Kylo flashback scene might have rubbed fans the wrong way, but the outrage over fun little moments like this or tossing the lightsaber ever his shoulder is just completely baffling to me.

But oh well, it is what it is.
I wouldn’t call Luke sucking milk from the tit of whatever that creature was a “fun” moment, but to each their own. That was Prequel Trilogy levels of bad to me.

The lightsaber toss to me is kind of symbolic of the whole film. It’s kind of like right off the bat Rian Johnson told us he’s throwing everything out the window. To me it was a bit insulting along with other choices in the film as it was kind of like symbolically saying: screw all your expectations and wants I’m going my way.

I feel like Johnson actually is a decent filmmaker and could have delivered an interesting stand alone Star Wars film perhaps, but he was the wrong choice to continue the saga films and carry out the story of the Sequel Trilogy as he basically pissed all over it.

As far as the figure though, it does look good and I’m glad I pre-ordered. Despite not being a fan of the film I wanted an older representation of Luke.
Yeah, all I got from this film was this figure, and JT Rey. Rey because I like the outfit, and Luke because well, it’s Luke.
Yeah, all I got from this film was this figure, and JT Rey. Rey because I like the outfit, and Luke because well, it’s Luke.
I’m getting the same two figures from the film and basically for the same reasons. Almost passed on Rey until Sideshow’s Black Friday sale on her. Luke is Luke and I pre-ordered him right away.

I might get Leia at some point so I have older representations of the three main characters. I’d rather get her cheap as I’m not a fan of the look they went with (would have preferred the version from The Force Awakens). Possibly Crait Luke too of the final figure looks better than the prototype.
Wow. This made it through production looking fantastic. Portrait is solid. Great way to wrap TLJ for HT. Very well done!
Rumor of Snoke?

I'm totally blanking on his name, but the guy from HT that posts here all the time made a comment about the TLJ figures not being done quite yet. I think he said there was still Crait Luke and something "Supreme" coming.
I'm totally blanking on his name, but the guy from HT that posts here all the time made a comment about the TLJ figures not being done quite yet. I think he said there was still Crait Luke and something "Supreme" coming.

Yep..that's what i read into it too.
Isn't it the same sculpt? aside from paint (and hair?).

Nope, different sculpt. Or maybe they started with the TFA and updated it. But the new sculpt has a closed mouth, a more furrowed brow, and just better detail throughout the face as a whole in the sculpt itself. The hair is also thicker on this figure, as the TFA hs had pretty flat hair.
Seems right.

Crazy how much of a step back the Crait one is... all they have to do is use this sculpt and give it short hair.
But...they still have Crait Luke...and there is rumour of Snoke.

Oops...forgot about Crait Luke. And Snoke? Hadn't heard HT was producing him. He certainly provides a challenge. A special body, unique fabric needs, no accessories per se. Unless they plan on doing his throne. (maybe offered separately like the Black Panther one). Must offer two portraits at the very smug, one snarling.

Anyway, back to this Luke. Can't wait to see more shots of this one. So far, he's looking fantastic.
I'm totally blanking on his name, but the guy from HT that posts here all the time made a comment about the TLJ figures not being done quite yet. I think he said there was still Crait Luke and something "Supreme" coming.

That’s cool I didn’t know that! But maybe he could also be referring to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine from ROTS? Honestly I’d prefer that but time will tell.
Well Jack also sounded certain that we'd get a Lando from the Solo movie, and that's clearly not happening. I'm sure HT was probably working on both of those at some point (along with many others we'll never hear about), but that doesn't mean we'll actually ever see them.
The lightsaber toss to me is kind of symbolic of the whole film. It’s kind of like right off the bat Rian Johnson told us he’s throwing everything out the window. To me it was a bit insulting along with other choices in the film as it was kind of like symbolically saying: screw all your expectations and wants I’m going my way.

And I think this comment perfectly sums up what the real problem is: your expectations. You (and many others) went into the sequel films with (in some cases decades) of preconceived notions about what was "supposed" to happen next. And if you do that, you're not leaving yourself open to other possibilities in the same way you would with, as you said, a standalone film.

And you can be upset that the story didn't go a way you wanted it to, or even a way you liked, but it's not fair to lay your headcanon at the feet of Rian Johnson like it's his failure just because he (and whoever else) imagined the tale going in a different direction.

Personally I enjoy when my expectations are turned on their head, I think it makes for a more interesting movie-going experience. But I understand some people just want to see the stories they've already read (in books, in comics, in their imagination) simply regurgitated on screen with no deviation. I respect that desire, but I think "I didn't like it" is adequate enough in these instances without villifying a director just doing his job.

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