Looks fantastic! Can't wait!
Is the poncho material as light and thin as TLJ Kylo's cape? Portrait and figure details look great. Post more shots!
Removed his purse and like it better. Looks less like a Hobbit.
And one with the hood up. Hard to get the hood shaped right given the vast amount of hair he has. I'll futz more later, I think the poncho doesn't help getting the hood to lay right.
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Great figure! I'll be messing around with him more later, the lighting in MN is a dark, dismal cold hell currently.
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Cant wait to get mine in, the figuarts version is my favourite figure they did last year, this one looks so damn good. Only wish was for fisted hands but oh well
Great figure! I'll be messing around with him more later, the lighting in MN is a dark, dismal cold hell currently.
The purse is terrible. Indy’s satchel this is not, this one looks like he’s heading to the farmers market. I was too lazy to take it off though, so just hid it under all the draping clothing.
Awesome figure and awesome display! And lol about the cold dismal hell of MN.
Is that a legit 1978-79 MOC Luke or is it the VOTC variety?
This arrived today...absolutely love it. The head sculpt looks so much better than any pic I've seen(no offence)...absolutely beautiful.