1/6 Hot Toys-The Terminator (T1)-MMS 238-T-800-(Battle Damaged Version) 1/6 Scale Figure

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I think his eye is supposed to already be messed up at that point.

I think you're right actually. Shotgun blast to the windshield sprays glass into his face or something, only after which he looks out the side window and realises he's about to crash.

edit - oh, looked at the pic again and they do have blood on his face. The injury inflames and gets worse I suppose one can rationalise.
I think you're right actually. Shotgun blast to the windshield sprays glass into his face or something, only after which he looks out the side window and realises he's about to crash.

edit - oh, looked at the pic again and they do have blood on his face. The injury inflames and gets worse I suppose one can rationalise.

I just watched it last night and went frame by frame for awhile in this scene to get the proper shots. He does take a shotgun blast to the face, but it doesn't hurt him bad and doesn't really slow him down... his face doesn't get any worse than in that pic (In which, he is literally seconds away from hitting the wall) until after the car hits the wall. no doubt.

One thing I've been mulling over the past few years is why did he ninja his was out of the cop car and disappear? I didn't think it was in a T-800's nature to cut and run like that. I rationalize it by saying he ran off to assess damage, but still I think he would have burst out the cop car and just slaughtered everyone there, but that would make it a very different movie and I love it too much to get upset about it, but I'd still like to know how he got the new clothing and haircut after fixing his eye.

Also, It's been a long time since I've seen it, so I have no idea if I'll be able to find it again. But I do recall reading an interview or something along those lines that it was meant to be heavily implied that the terminators cop car going into the wall was what messed up his eye, and originally was going to do even more damage but they decided it was too early in the movie for him to be silver faced and limping around. It could have been all B.S. because I think this was over 10 years ago I read it, but food for thought either way.
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I just watched it last night and went frame by frame for awhile in this scene to get the proper shots. He does take a shotgun blast to the face, but it doesn't hurt him bad and doesn't really slow him down... his face doesn't get any worse than in that pic (In which, he is literally seconds away from hitting the wall) until after the car hits the wall. no doubt.

One thing I've been mulling over the past few years is why did he ninja his was out of the cop car and disappear? I didn't think it was in a T-800's nature to cut and run like that. I rationalize it by saying he ran off to assess damage, but still I think he would have burst out the cop car and just slaughtered everyone there, but that would make it a very different movie and I love it too much to get upset about it, but I'd still like to know how he got the new clothing and haircut after fixing his eye.

Also, It's been a long time since I've seen it, so I have no idea if I'll be able to find it again. But I do recall reading an interview or something along those lines that it was meant to be heavily implied that the terminators cop car going into the wall was what messed up his eye, and originally was going to do even more damage but they decided it was too early in the movie for him to be silver faced and limping around. It could have been all B.S. because I think this was over 10 years ago I read it, but food for thought either way.

I think the Terminator weighed up the options after the car crash and decided he would probably get owned by a whole load of shotgun totting police, remember the T-800 was knocked off his feet by Reese after a few shotgun rounds.
I know he takes down a whole police station latter on but by then he was armed to the teeth and took the cops by surprise.

I still love it how he goes into the cop station asking politely to see Sarah Conner, gets turned away, then just says, '' Oh to hell with this lets go Rambo style''.
I just watched it last night and went frame by frame for awhile in this scene to get the proper shots. He does take a shotgun blast to the face, but it doesn't hurt him bad and doesn't really slow him down... his face doesn't get any worse than in that pic (In which, he is literally seconds away from hitting the wall) until after the car hits the wall. no doubt.

One thing I've been mulling over the past few years is why did he ninja his was out of the cop car and disappear? I didn't think it was in a T-800's nature to cut and run like that. I rationalize it by saying he ran off to assess damage, but still I think he would have burst out the cop car and just slaughtered everyone there, but that would make it a very different movie and I love it too much to get upset about it, but I'd still like to know how he got the new clothing and haircut after fixing his eye.

Also, It's been a long time since I've seen it, so I have no idea if I'll be able to find it again. But I do recall reading an interview or something along those lines that it was meant to be heavily implied that the terminators cop car going into the wall was what messed up his eye, and originally was going to do even more damage but they decided it was too early in the movie for him to be silver faced and limping around. It could have been all B.S. because I think this was over 10 years ago I read it, but food for thought either way.

The T1 T-800 was a puss.

For the purposes of the usual T1 VS T2 war that goes on in this thread, what Difabio said :lol

But I think you nailed it in your rationalisation. He wasn't 100% sure he could kill Sarah Connor at that time. (might have been out of ammo too) If he failed to do so he would be risking further damage for nothing (at the very least to his flesh cover) aswell as immediately becoming a wanted 'man' by the police....which of course happens later anyway but at that point he see's no other option but to force his way into the police station, where he knows she is, or risk losing her trail completely.

As to what you thought you might have read, I dunno, but sounds plausible.
B-b-b-but the Terminator is an unstoppable, hardcore killing machine!?! Weigh it's options, weigh it's options? B-b-but he doesn't feel pain or fear. Sarah was a few feet away before the cops even arrived a few seconds later. He coulda jumped out and strangled her.

Look at the shock in his eyes as he's about to hit the wall too what a puss! This is the ultimate killing machine? I'm surprised he didn't jump out of the tanker, frantically moving his arms and hands as he was on fire.
He should have said that as he was getting crushed in the hydraulic press.

"I'll be back Sarah Connahhh"

Imagine seeing the Endo talk.
As a diehard T1 fan even I have always found the fact that the Terminator "flees" the cops after the crash to be questionable at best. Sarah was a sitting duck and for all he knew she would disappear forever if he let her out of his sight at that moment. Definitely some handwaving needed for that scene to work.

That's actually way worse than Bucky not following Fury into the sewer now that I think about it.
My biggest problem with that scene now is how the hell the T-800 managed to sneak away unseen in the first place. Not like his car was way down the road and obscured by a pillar. It was only a few feet away.
If you can accept that a Mr. Universe looking body builder would be chosen to go back in time to "infiltrate" society and kill Sarah Connor, instead of some average looking everyman like Lance Henriksen, then you should be able to accept that he had to leave to assess the damage and regroup.
My biggest problem with that scene now is how the hell the T-800 managed to sneak away unseen in the first place. Not like his car was way down the road and obscured by a pillar. It was only a few feet away.

Yeah he definitely pulled a "Batman" there. And of course if you go with the fact that he can do a full on ninja vanish then he probably could have used his ninja skills to kill Sarah right then and there.

But yeah, I go with the "had to regroup and assess damage" of course in the interest of suspending disbelief.
I can accept it.

I like it. I like that the T-800 know's it's not invincible*, it does think about the damage it will likely sustain. Like in T2 when the T-800 is facing the SWAT team - he steps out and does a threat assessment. 'Possible Damage' I think it says. If he had another option he probably would have avoided being shot to pieces as he was but there was no where else to go. T1 T-800 makes the same judgements.

*but no one told the writers of T3 and T4 that
Like in T2 when the T-800 is facing the SWAT team - he steps out and does a threat assessment. 'Possible Damage' I think it says. If he had another option he probably would have avoided being shot to pieces as he was but there was no where else to go. T1 T-800 makes the same judgements.
Yeah, but in T2, he actually did it because he was a ***** :D
You would of thought T-800's would be expendable too. Skynet, should of installed some kind of bomb inside the T-800, so when he was near enough to his target he could self detonate.
The only thing I can think of as to why the Terminator failed his mission was that he was distracted by the 1980s fashion too much. :dunno
It's obviously tough to write movies about "unstoppable killing machines" for those parts early in the movie or the middle of the movie where it's too soon for the good guys or bad guys to die and there aren't lots of peripheral "fodder" characters that can be killed off instead. Terminator 1, Terminator 2, TWS, Smaug, etc., all had moments where they definitely could have killed various heroes but surprisingly didn't. The smaller the number of heroes the greater the chance that there will be some contrived reason that they survive to the end.

Kudos to RoboCop for constructing a story that had an invincible foe (ED-209) that the hero was able to escape from during their first encounter in a very plausible manner.

The first Matrix also did a great job of orchestrating scenarios where the good guys were able to get away from Agents without the Agents having to make semi-stupid decisions for it to happen.
Yeah, but in T2, he actually did it because he was a ***** :D

T1 T-800: looks shocked as he's about to hit a wall, then runs away with his tail tucked between his legs when his target is a few feet away with cops approaching

T2 T-800: nonchalantly walks down the corridor and gets shot to pieces WHILE blows dozens of knee caps off

Come to think of it, most of the T-800s attacks in the first film are because people the victims were helpless. Ginger and Matt? They were just sleeping after they porked and T-800 comes in, guns a blazin'. Sarah Connor's mom? She was probably just chillin' in her cabin until the T-800 smashed through the screen door and killed her. The cops at the police station? Again, just chilling late at night doing paper work or what have you until he barges in and shoots them. Seems like whenever the battle came to him, he simply pussed out and booked. What a cybernetic *****.

T2 T-800 on the other hand? Every LAPD department is sent to Cyberdyne without the gang knowing, and he singlehandedly disposes of all of them while taking minimal damage AND without killing them.
