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I thought that Baby Yoda is messing with their aim/blaster bolts (?). Those troopers looked so confused and were trying to figure out what is going on with their pistols.

I thought it was a gag about troopers being lousy shots.

My thinking was it showing how bad their weapons are. He was looking at his blaster and shaking it, and it made noise like something was bouncing around inside. So i figured the gag of them being bad shots was actually them just having bad weapons.
Funny when Mando was about to die I didn?t care. But when IG died I said ?Noooo?! Arguably the best character on the show!!

Because you knew he will survive ... you know, it's his show long time ago renewed for a second season :D
My thinking was it showing how bad their weapons are. He was looking at his blaster and shaking it, and it made noise like something was bouncing around inside. So i figured the gag of them being bad shots was actually them just having bad weapons.

Yeah I took like their hand blasters are junk and they rely more on their bikes blasters.
My thinking was it showing how bad their weapons are. He was looking at his blaster and shaking it, and it made noise like something was bouncing around inside. So i figured the gag of them being bad shots was actually them just having bad weapons.

See I took the shaking of the blaster as more of "What's wrong with this things, I'm a great shot" kind of thing. The unwillingness to admit that they're terrible shots and that something else must be the matter.
My thinking was it showing how bad their weapons are. He was looking at his blaster and shaking it, and it made noise like something was bouncing around inside. So i figured the gag of them being bad shots was actually them just having bad weapons.

Yeah I took like their hand blasters are junk and they rely more on their bikes blasters.

You guys are trying too hard. It's an obvious gag at the expense of the stormtroopers and their reputation as bad shots. This is at least the second time the show has done this, and it's a bad move. People on the internet can have a go at the stormtroopers all they like, but when they start doing IN UNIVERSE it's a bad sign. Just look what happened to the Battle Droids. Notice how Favreau didn't use the B1 Battle Droids in his flashback scenes? It's because Filoni has already established them as a joke. In canon.
Stormtroopers instrisically have always been a joke in every SW movies (OT, Rogue One, now The Mandalorian). Just like those Battle Droids in the PT, Clone Wars.

But to some extents, even though I tremendously enjoy that hilarious scene of two scout troopers, the fact they've decided to turn these cool looking troopers into clowns on speeder bikes.....well :lecture.
Stormtroopers instrisically have always been a joke in every SW movies (OT, Rogue One, now The Mandalorian). Just like those Battle Droids in the PT, Clone Wars.

But to some extents, even though I tremendously enjoy that hilarious scene of two scout troopers, the fact they've decided to turn these cool looking troopers into clowns on speeder bikes.....well :lecture.

Yes and no. They responded rapidly to intel, chased down and killed their target in short order, and scooped up the asset.

Admittedly it went downhill from there, though. :dunno
They were never a joke in the OT, only in subsequent years on the internet. They were never seen as clowns in universe. This issue I have with the Filoni school of thought is making them clowns in universe, in canon. You get a cheap laugh in one episode sure, but the damage cannot be undone and the stormtroopers continue on their downward spiral of being a non-threat, just like Battle Droids.
As I said before, this is post-Empire, so I don't think we're supposed to take them quite as seriously. Plus there was a pretty clear difference in style between the hired goons on Nevarro and the more fearsome and disciplined troopers serving under Moff Gideon.
You guys are trying too hard. It's an obvious gag at the expense of the stormtroopers and their reputation as bad shots. This is at least the second time the show has done this, and it's a bad move. People on the internet can have a go at the stormtroopers all they like, but when they start doing IN UNIVERSE it's a bad sign. Just look what happened to the Battle Droids. Notice how Favreau didn't use the B1 Battle Droids in his flashback scenes? It's because Filoni has already established them as a joke. In canon.

I agree and disagree with this. I agree it's a bad choice to turn stormtroopers into a joke. As noted, they were never a joke in the OT (well maybe the SE with the head bash joke) and deadly to anyone not wearing plot armour. I disagree Filoni turned battle droids into a joke, George did that right from the start.

They were never a joke in the OT, only in subsequent years on the internet. They were never seen as clowns in universe. This issue I have with the Filoni school of thought is making them clowns in universe, in canon. You get a cheap laugh in one episode sure, but the damage cannot be undone and the stormtroopers continue on their downward spiral of being a non-threat, just like Battle Droids.

I get you don't like Filoni, but he neither wrote or directed this episode or the other one with a Stromtrooper joke (according to IMDB). You seem to want to have your cake and eat it giving credit to Favreau for this episode using SBD's (because Filoni apparently ruined BD's) but then say the joke demeaning stormtroopers in the same ep is attributable to Filoni?
I took it nod to ongoing joke of them being bad shooters. Apart from that they excelled in getting on their target, killing him and grabbing the asset on the ground while the bike is moving.
You guys are trying too hard. It's an obvious gag at the expense of the stormtroopers and their reputation as bad shots. This is at least the second time the show has done this, and it's a bad move. People on the internet can have a go at the stormtroopers all they like, but when they start doing IN UNIVERSE it's a bad sign. Just look what happened to the Battle Droids. Notice how Favreau didn't use the B1 Battle Droids in his flashback scenes? It's because Filoni has already established them as a joke. In canon.

I don't think I was trying too hard. I would agree if the blaster didn't literally make a noise when he shook it. I get the gag but I think it was clearly trying to show they have crap gear.
I don't think I was trying too hard. I would agree if the blaster didn't literally make a noise when he shook it. I get the gag but I think it was clearly trying to show they have crap gear.

Their blasters sounded like a can of spray being shook lol
I don't think I was trying too hard. I would agree if the blaster didn't literally make a noise when he shook it. I get the gag but I think it was clearly trying to show they have crap gear.

IMO they're not elite Stormtroopers. It's like any military u have the cannon fodder u stick out in the back of beyond and stuff gets lax. Like if Moff had seen them punch his prize they'd probably be little soggy bits left on the ground.

Well, I guess they are, technically, thanks to IG, but Moff would have left smaller bits.
As time has gone on I have come to assume that Kenobis line about stormtroopers being so accurate is intended to let us guess that the Death Star escape was a set up. They miss deliberately- despite being great shots.
It later became a joke and was used way too much. They are meant to elite troops after all.
As momaw said plot armour is of course indestructible.

Oh and I hope we see more ig series droids
Droids and aliens are essential to my Star Wars collection. I was on the fence before episode 8. I'll most likely pick up IG-11 once it is released.
I have never, not once, seen Stormtroopers as threatening. They have amounted to glorified cannon fodder from day one. Even as a kid I never found them to be particularly imposing. They always seemed to be a more quantity over quality of troop sort of situation to me, whereas the clones that inspired them were the opposite.

All the "badass" Stormies come from EU stuff.

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