Hot Toys - Toy Soul 2014: Dec 19-21 - New Figures to be Announced

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Personally I'd rather see the film, be blown away (or not) and then decide what (if any) figures to buy. Appreciate that's difficult when they are released so early though.

Lucky for me I only collect Iron Man & Tony Stark figures from the first two films (so far).
Well the films not done. So there's that.

And if it didn't matter they would release the photos and reveal things. But for marketing it matters. They try to build interest over time. Space out the info so there is no drop in interest. If it's all revealed at once then interest drops. The momentum that's built up dies.

I see, thanks for explaining..., makes sense now that you've put it that way. :)
They can't just act like it's going to make money and not market it. And if they did they could lose out on some sales.

Not saying that. I just don't buy that 5 months away from the movie which is basically act 2 of one of the biggest franchises right now (Marvel superheroes in general) a bunch of Hot Toys reveals will slow down the momentum or throw off the delicate marketing of this juggernaut.

This franchise has geeks, kids, fans of action films and everyone else going to see it. It's as grand as the highly successful Transformers films...but with an overall MUCH better story that keeps on building like a soap opera throughout multiple films. Plus now they are backed by Disney.

Yeah, some Hot Toys are not going to change a damn thing on this hype train.
Can't argue with you there, I like all of the Marvel superheroes & I'll be watching the new Avengers film regardless of what Hot Toys do now or in the future. :)
That's a very generic statement there. Based on what? Ticket sales? Rotten tomatoes %? IMDB Rank? Meta Critic?

For me I could give a damn how much a movie makes to measure success. Just because people get caught up in hype and run like sheep to the theater to rip off a ticket stub does not qualify all time status. Its true the hype you are speaking about gets asses in the seats the first two weeks a movie is out, but hype does not have anything to do with the quality of a movie to be measured as an all time great.

All you need to take away from below is there are two bayformers on that list.
Anyone want to debate these all time dollar generators? Half that list I wouldn't wipe my butt with if it was toilet paper.:lol

Great you don't care about how much a movie makes or any of that. But since we are not discussing how you feel about things, but why a movie needs marketing and why they with hold reveals and spread them out your argument is pointless. Outside of tickets/money, every other way to judge greatness is subjective. But since companies like marvel can't pay the bills with your compliments nor does your scorn turn the lights off, ticket sales and money are the thing that matters.

You can say no one would put the transformer movies in the top...but unless you have spoken to every single person on the planet that's just your opinion based on your dislike. And since my nephew thinks the last transformers movie is the best of all time and watches is over and over I know your statement to be wrong. That's at least one person that ranks it number one.

We are and I did not debate the content of any movie. Nor how hype makes it better. But why movies require marketing. Why studios do things the way they do. You can blab all you want about how your not a sheep and how individual you are, but that's all crap. You come up with one unique thing that no one else does or has done and it would be a miracle.
Is the Hulk figure on display just the old one with a new pair of pants, or are there differences I'm not seeing?
Not saying that. I just don't buy that 5 months away from the movie which is basically act 2 of one of the biggest franchises right now (Marvel superheroes in general) a bunch of Hot Toys reveals will slow down the momentum or throw off the delicate marketing of this juggernaut.

This franchise has geeks, kids, fans of action films and everyone else going to see it. It's as grand as the highly successful Transformers films...but with an overall MUCH better story that keeps on building like a soap opera throughout multiple films. Plus now they are backed by Disney.

Yeah, some Hot Toys are not going to change a damn thing on this hype train.

No a hot toys reveal probably wouldn't derail the interest. But doing it all at once ain't gonna help it. And that's the point. The more info they can control and release over time the more they can keep in the news cycle. Keep people coming back. And not lose some in the shuffle.

If you don't care and it doesn't matter then why did traffic on this site spike Over the last couple days? Why was Avengers trending, and every action figure and toy news site and comic site getting increased intrest.

It's why theater releases are staggered. It's why there are multiple trailers and sneak peaks. Why some toys are released six months out, some three, some a month. The marketing is as important for Avengers as it is for glitter pony dance off. Of course there will be people that go either way. There will be those that won't go no matter what..the people that are way to cool to deal with what everyone else does. But there are still people that don't know about it, or had not planned to go, or are waiting for Bluray, or only go once a year or month or whatever and those people can sometimes be effected by marketing. The more positive press a movie gets leading up to its theatrical release the better it does at the box office.
The show ok so seeing all the stuff as always. Thanos and Cap the only Marvel pieces I feel the need to own at this time...
No a hot toys reveal probably wouldn't derail the interest. But doing it all at once ain't gonna help it. And that's the point. The more info they can control and release over time the more they can keep in the news cycle. Keep people coming back. And not lose some in the shuffle.

If you don't care and it doesn't matter then why did traffic on this site spike Over the last couple days? Why was Avengers trending, and every action figure and toy news site and comic site getting increased intrest.

It's why theater releases are staggered. It's why there are multiple trailers and sneak peaks. Why some toys are released six months out, some three, some a month. The marketing is as important for Avengers as it is for glitter pony dance off. Of course there will be people that go either way. There will be those that won't go no matter what..the people that are way to cool to deal with what everyone else does. But there are still people that don't know about it, or had not planned to go, or are waiting for Bluray, or only go once a year or month or whatever and those people can sometimes be effected by marketing. The more positive press a movie gets leading up to its theatrical release the better it does at the box office.

Welcome aboard the S.S. Apparent Captain Obvious.

Great you don't care about how much a movie makes or any of that. But since we are not discussing how you feel about things, but why a movie needs marketing and why they with hold reveals and spread them out your argument is pointless. Outside of tickets/money, every other way to judge greatness is subjective. But since companies like marvel can't pay the bills with your compliments nor does your scorn turn the lights off, ticket sales and money are the thing that matters.

You can say no one would put the transformer movies in the top...but unless you have spoken to every single person on the planet that's just your opinion based on your dislike. And since my nephew thinks the last transformers movie is the best of all time and watches is over and over I know your statement to be wrong. That's at least one person that ranks it number one.

We are and I did not debate the content of any movie. Nor how hype makes it better. But why movies require marketing. Why studios do things the way they do. You can blab all you want about how your not a sheep and how individual you are, but that's all crap. You come up with one unique thing that no one else does or has done and it would be a miracle.

Not to me. :dunno No interest in paying that high of price for either of them.

Those prices are reserved for absolute favorite characters or one of a kind customs for me.