"Price limit" you say? I know of no such term.

Joking aside, you're correct, this is my new numero uno must have.
That's a tough question to answer. My guess-timate is that he'll fall in the $400-$450 range (prob the high end), and if he does price there I won't think twice about giving HT my money.
If he prices a tad higher, say $475-$525 I won't be thrilled but it won't stop me in my tracks. Should he approach the $550+ mark, I would be pretty surprised, and maybe even pissed off at HT's price point considering this would be approaching the cost of the 1/4 SSC Mark VI Maquette & 1/4 War machine Maquette. Heck, the Joker PF is ~$350!
That being said, I know I'd grudgingly cave in and pay whatever they charge kicking and screaming, even if it meant not being able to buy any other figures for 6 months and selling some I may have atm b/c
I must have this in my collection. And there's no freaking way I'll be trying to chase 1 of these down on the secondary market later on.
Excellent post LJ