House B & E Yesterday

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Came home yesterday (with my one & half year old daughter in my arms) to find that my house had been broken into. Front door (inside my mud room) had been ripped open. My collection remained untouched but all of the loose change was gone (including a huge amount that was stored in a giant SW container)-- but what really ticks me off is the wedding bands that belonged to my wife's parents (both of whom passed away--her mother most recently just last February) were taken along with my video camera that had the tape of my daughter's Christmas on it.

I've fixed the door with an added deadbolt. The police have been over (items taken for fingerprints) and they've told me they know who did it but again, unless he's caught in the act there's nothing really they can do. I've done some work on my own and now I know who did it as well. I'm a very easy going guy-- yeah I get worked up when I coach football but my players know that it's just the passion I have for the sport. I'm someone who lives life with humour-- and I know things sometimes seem heated here but I take everything on here with a wink as I pop in here to relax and chat with others who share my hobby and love of collecting. However, having said all of that I'm not happy. And my Scottish temperment can come through in certain moments. My blood has been boiling as each minute passes-- and every tear that fell from my wife's eyes when she discovered her parents' missing wedding bands has fueled my rage.

It's winter here in Canada. I don't get to swing my golf clubs too often in the winter months. I think I'm going to go and practise my nine iron. No silly smilies or happy face icons.

Hope you're all well and that you and your family are safe. I might be off-line for a while. Take care Freaks.
Damn Neil, I am so sorry to hear this bro, it really pisses me off that people can be so stupid and insensitive. Before you do anything rash just remember this, what was taken was only material possessions and that your family is okay. Trust me, if something would've happened to your family, I'd be all for bashing skulls. Think about your wife and daughter man and don't do anything that'd land you in any trouble.
Neil, That's horrible. Someone slashed my wife's tires recently and I was ready for some revenge myself but I stayed calm and didn't do anything I would live to regret. I would hate for my daughter or wife to be without me. Maybe you have a friend or someone who could do the roughing up for you.:monkey3
Neil that just sucks! I am sorry to hear about this. I thought this kind of stuff happened less in Canada. :confused:

All I have to say is don't do something that will put you in a worst position. I hope that you get back all your stolen belongings. :monkey2
Came home yesterday (with my one & half year old daughter in my arms) to find that my house had been broken into. Front door (inside my mud room) had been ripped open. My collection remained untouched but all of the loose change was gone (including a huge amount that was stored in a giant SW container)-- but what really ticks me off is the wedding bands that belonged to my wife's parents (both of whom passed away--her mother most recently just last February) were taken along with my video camera that had the tape of my daughter's Christmas on it.

I've fixed the door with an added deadbolt. The police have been over (items taken for fingerprints) and they've told me they know who did it but again, unless he's caught in the act there's nothing really they can do. I've done some work on my own and now I know who did it as well. I'm a very easy going guy-- yeah I get worked up when I coach football but my players know that it's just the passion I have for the sport. I'm someone who lives life with humour-- and I know things sometimes seem heated here but I take everything on here with a wink as I pop in here to relax and chat with others who share my hobby and love of collecting. However, having said all of that I'm not happy. And my Scottish temperment can come through in certain moments. My blood has been boiling as each minute passes-- and every tear that fell from my wife's eyes when she discovered her parents' missing wedding bands has fueled my rage.

It's winter here in Canada. I don't get to swing my golf clubs too often in the winter months. I think I'm going to go and practise my nine iron. No silly smilies or happy face icons.

Hope you're all well and that you and your family are safe. I might be off-line for a while. Take care Freaks.

Please alert Micheal Moore and let him know that yes crime does in fact happen in Canada. :lol

Seriously though, I am sorry to hear that. At least your collection remains in tact. Hopefully they will be caught. :emperor
Sorry to hear about this dude. Nothing feels worse than having your HOME invaded. What a sick feeling. I hope they catch the prick.
Damn Neil, sorry to hear this. It's gotta be a pretty helpless feeling coming home to that.

If you're sure you know who did it, I'd do everything in my power to make sure he gets his.
Sounds like they don't want to catch him. They have fingerprints and know who done it but want to wait untill he is caught in the act to do anything about him. I have a tolerance for alot of people but one thing I cannot stand is a thief.
Yes even in the Great white north we have crime. Just pisses me off!
Darth Neil, I am glad you and your family are okay. A elderly friend told me the other day how at 7 am in the morning someone was trying to break in to her house. She could hear something at the front door so she went to investigate. The poor dear is over 80 and frail but she opened the door and demanded to know what was going on. The fellow had a tie iron and was trying to pry open the door. Once confronted he made some lame reason for being there. He left and she said she wasn't scared but mad. Turned out he had tried to enter by the back door as well and did some damage. Police came took her report and that was it. She and her invalid husband live alone.
Please be safe and well, take care of your family.
Dude that sucks but I don't get this part, they have fingerprints, know who did it but can't do anything about it? WTF? Thats more then enough evidence to get a search warrant to check the persons place and see if any of the items show up, or interrogate them to figure out where the items were taken.
Dude that sucks but I don't get this part, they have fingerprints, know who did it but can't do anything about it? WTF? Thats more then enough evidence to get a search warrant to check the persons place and see if any of the items show up, or interrogate them to figure out where the items were taken.

Yeah, I don't understand that part either. If this happened to me and the cops did nothing I would take things into my own hands.
I also agree. What the hell is law enforcement for if not for catching criminals. The evidence is there- now they need to do something about it.
Thanks for the support fellow Freaks. Just stopped in at home (for a check) and to grab something to eat before heading back to work.

They have the large SW tin (that I left the loose change in) and they've taken it in to check for fingerprints but just to be clear they haven't found actual fingerprints yet. The RCMP (Canadian cops) are doing all they can-- in fact the officer is the husband of one of my colleagues so I appreciate his efforts. Based on him seeing this individual earlier in the day and my neighbour's description of someone right outside my house (at 1:30pm when we believe it took place) matching what he saw this prick is being picked up.

I have no thoughts that I'll get my stuff back-- that's not what this is about. It's about sending a clear message. He's someone who knows how to play the game, and the game is set up to protect the criminal and not the victim. Time to play a new game.

I got the officer to show me his picture. I've found out where (and who with) he lives. I've got a description of him (physical and his clothes). I intend to introduce myself to him. It wouldn't be hospitable to have someone in your home and miss out on the opportunity to say hello.

I'll be smart. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I agree with you Shai--- to quote Eric Bana's final line... "You won't like me when I'm angry."
I got the officer to show me his picture. I've found out where (and who with) he lives. I've got a description of him (physical and his clothes). I intend to introduce myself to him. It wouldn't be hospitable to have someone in your home and miss out on the opportunity to say hello.

Thanks for the support fellow Freaks. Just stopped in at home (for a check) and to grab something to eat before heading back to work.

They have the large SW tin (that I left the loose change in) and they've taken it in to check for fingerprints but just to be clear they haven't found actual fingerprints yet. The RCMP (Canadian cops) are doing all they can-- in fact the officer is the husband of one of my colleagues so I appreciate his efforts. Based on him seeing this individual earlier in the day and my neighbour's description of someone right outside my house (at 1:30pm when we believe it took place) matching what he saw this prick is being picked up.

I have no thoughts that I'll get my stuff back-- that's not what this is about. It's about sending a clear message. He's someone who knows how to play the game, and the game is set up to protect the criminal and not the victim. Time to play a new game.

I got the officer to show me his picture. I've found out where (and who with) he lives. I've got a description of him (physical and his clothes). I intend to introduce myself to him. It wouldn't be hospitable to have someone in your home and miss out on the opportunity to say hello.

I'll be smart. But sometimes you have to do what you have to do. I agree with you Shai--- to quote Eric Bana's final line... "You won't like me when I'm angry."

Please be careful. Sometimes people act differently when confronted or cornered. He might be a violent person and could harm you.
Please be careful. Sometimes people act differently when confronted or cornered. He might be a violent person and could harm you.

Exactly, this is not the time to get crazy. Honestly I know it feels like a good idea but NOTHING good can come of confronting him.
Neil, don't listen to the woman and the Californian. Listen to an Irish prick like me: Confront the bastard! :lol

In all seriousness, though, do proceeed with caution (and make sure you maintain within the boundaries of the law yourself). Unpunished crimes and lack of justice might be the biggest pet peeve of all. You have my empathy and support.
Neil, don't listen to the woman and the Californian. Listen to an Irish prick like me: Confront the bastard! :lol

In all seriousness, though, do proceeed with caution (and make sure you maintain within the boundaries of the law yourself). Unpunished crimes and lack of justice might be the biggest pet peeve of all. You have my empathy and support.

Here is the thing you hear about things like this quite a bit in my line of work and most of them end badly. Like I said nothing good can come of it. There is no lack of justice yet, he said the cops are working on it and they are working on getting the necessary evidence. You have to remember that you are dealing with a criminal. Yeah he did a small time crime but you never know how easily they will step it up.