How did Heroes get SO AWFUL?!

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Daphne got discarded somewhere. that irish chick seems to be forgotton, Peter is over Dark Claire, Hiro is nowhere near badAss future Hiro, Ando seems to be powerless, and there was no butterfly effect of Hiro going in the past to change the way his sister sees Ando, where is Angela's weather controling sister, Suresh spent time on that facility and seems to not have seen her again... writers need to take a break from the filming schedule and re-watch the episodes themselves to see how absolutely ridiculous they have made this show.

hiro got put on trial for changing the past in this week's episode
his dad was the judge & kendo was the prosecutor


It seems like they're just making it up as they go along now
The problem is clear by now: Tim Kring just blows. His refusal from the beginning to shy away from a pure serial show with an endgame mapped out has doomed the show because since the first season its relied on hackneyed mini-arcs that when put together make no sense. What a hack.

Ironically, HEROES was at its strongest in the first season because it included weekly cliffhangers that were clearly building to an ending. This is what LOST and other shows have gotten right. Kring screwed HEROES royally with his (non) vision.
They should have dragged the mystery behind "The Company" further,that was the biggest mistake.

This show isn`t going anywhere anymore,even Sylar is boring to watch now,and that says alot.Seems like they don`t know what to do anymore,they are out of ideas and just make up some stuff just to keep the show alive.
They should have dragged the mystery behind "The Company" further,that was the biggest mistake.

This show isn`t going anywhere anymore,even Sylar is boring to watch now,and that says alot.Seems like they don`t know what to do anymore,they are out of ideas and just make up some stuff just to keep the show alive.

Because they made the decision to have anthology storylines instead of serial ones, and not have a designed endgame.
What was the purpose of rescuing Suresh if only to have him leave?????!!! and this is actually being considered for renewal next season. I don't want to see Hayden unemployed but My God Man....
Hayden won't be unemployed at all. She has to turn down movie role offers because of her commitment to the show.
Things that bug me about this show:

No Peter Petrelli. Wasn't he supposed to be the main character of this dang show?

Noone is actually using their powers.

The series has become claire-centered. LAME.

No real bad guy anymore and no real feeling that we need to arrive anywhere.


I like the circus though...
Oh? Like what kind of stuff?

As ink said, they were a RL couple for a year or two... and it ended kinda funky, apparently (imagine that). They have been the two stars of the show since the beginning, and so the producers wanted to avoid as much drama as possible by reducing the time that both were on the set together as much as they could. So they decided to hitch their cart to one horse more than the other, and that was obviously Hayden. My guess is they feel the 18-25 male demo was more important to try and woo/keep.
Well, last night's episode was 10 pounds of suck in a 5-pound bag. Can we not have one episode without Claire? She annoys the hell out of me. You'd think she'd have learned by now that whenever she tries to do the right thing, she only makes things 100 times worse.

I swear, I'd be more compelled to watch future seasons if they'd just kill off Claire, once and for all. Bonus points if they take Gretchen out with her.
I'm so glad that I gave up on this show at the beginning of this season after barely being able to stomach through two episodes... A perfect example of how an interesting premise and great possibilities (remember all the comparisons to X-men but in the real world) could fall so far so fast.