But I have to get married... I don't want to die old and alone!!!! BAwwwwwwWWwWwWW!!!!
If that's the argument, wait til you are old and alone, THEN sell the collection and hire hookers to keep you company until you die.![]()
Okay, who wants to marry me so I can take half your ____ when I leave?
Okay, who wants to marry me so I can take half your ____ when I leave?
Okay, who wants to marry me so I can take half your ____ when I leave?
or he can just get one of those life like sex dolls.that will get the job done.
dont do it..............ween has cooties..........nuclear style......
that will never work. her mouth isn't opened wide enough.
that will never work. her mouth isn't opened wide enough.
Chris Rock says it Best, about married life...Funny, but true.
Was she overly tied to her family *before* you got married?OR she could not let go of her family and instead of devoting herself to you and your kids, she constantly put her family first even though you tried like hell to give her the security and comfort she wanted.
No it would not. And that is why people have to choose their mates with a great deal more care...IN MY OPINION.
I have been through a divorce. And I am re-married. Although I love my wife and would not trade her for the world, my own opinion is that divorcing my first wife is far and away the very worst act of betrayal I have ever performed.
I did not feel that way then because I did not place the impotance on a vow that I do now. My love for my current wife has made me understand that. But I wish I understood it before I married my first wife as I would not have married her. She was a good person and did not desrve my going in to the marriage light-heartedly.
So, actually, I guess I should be a little more understanding of those who take divorce more lightly than I do because I used to be one of them.
But I am certainly NOT anymore.
l dont believe that is it really true.because last year my friend who worked for my dad went threw a divorce, he was married just over a year and he had to pay here half of what his house was worth and he paid that house off before he met her and she was awarded half.so why did that happen.
He had a crappy lawyer.![]()
So you're saying it would be ok to raise two bastard children as your own and you'd be fine with that? I'm of the mind, fool me once shame on you...fool me twice shame on me. And I sure as hell wasn't going to raise the other doosh's kids.
My ex is the one that broke her vows. And a marriage takes both sets of vows to work. If there's no trust, there's no marriage.
Now, the ex I knew for years before we started dating and then we dated for about 3 years before getting married. The marriage lasted almost 7 years.
My current wife and I met on my birthday April 2nd and were married on July 13th of the same year. And that was 11 years ago this July.