How do you rank the Terminator?

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Favorite Terminator

  • Terminator

    Votes: 214 39.5%
  • T2

    Votes: 302 55.7%
  • T3

    Votes: 8 1.5%
  • TS

    Votes: 18 3.3%

  • Total voters
:lol Nice one, Hex! :lol

I finally watched Salvation on bluray yesterday, it looks and sounds great but I wasn't all that convinced with the plot and performances. Still a good action adventure film though. Again, the extended cut is the way to go because you get a little more eye candy in that version. Hehehehe!
Would this be the reason for that, huh? :love

Salvation is a terrible I mean really terrible movie. It doesn't even feel like a Terminator movie...I don't know really which one is the worst. T3 or TS, but both movie are a piece of crap in my eyes. I am a big Terminator fan and I am ashamed where is Terminator right now. It is almost like Robocop. They completely _____ed up the saga. Such a great franchise with such a huge opportunities...and it was wasted by the money hungry studios. IT is a cash cow right now...Imagen what it could have been if they done it right...and don't waste everything for nothing...except only for money of course.
The Terminator is an awesome, taut thriller and one of Arnold's best performances . Cameron's 2nd best movie in my opinion (Aliens is the first).Terminator 2 was cheesy pap with some excellent FX and a standout performance from Robert Patrick. Terminator 3 was ultimately pointless and Terminator Salvation is an affront to any sentient life-form in the known universe.
The Terminator, by far is the best of the franchise. Superbly written and directed by James Cameron. Perfect blend of horror, action, and sci-fi.The movie just fell perfectly into place. Michael Biehn's performance stoodout amongst the rest of the ensemble cast and truly gave the film the grit and edge it needed. The movie is a true icon and classic
Salvation is a terrible I mean really terrible movie. It doesn't even feel like a Terminator movie...I don't know really which one is the worst. T3 or TS, but both movie are a piece of crap in my eyes. I am a big Terminator fan and I am ashamed where is Terminator right now. It is almost like Robocop. They completely _____ed up the saga. Such a great franchise with such a huge opportunities...and it was wasted by the money hungry studios. IT is a cash cow right now...Imagen what it could have been if they done it right...and don't waste everything for nothing...except only for money of course.

Really? I thought they were all developed in the 2nd movie. What else would you expect?

IMO It is not like they can squeeze the idea too much more...after all, it is just a franchise about robots, and the role of the "saver", as I say, was already, and has been exploited to death.

Edir: Oh wait, there is one more thing to squeeze...$$$

Edit 2: I liked T3 better than salvation. I hate the "Hunk saves the day" idea
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The Terminator franchise isn't dead, there's lots more room for expansion.
How do you guys can vote for Terminator Salvation (i see six votes). Are you really assuming that the Salvation is better than the T1 and T2? haha :D
Really? I thought they were all developed in the 2nd movie. What else would you expect?

IMO It is not like they can squeeze the idea too much more...after all, it is just a franchise about robots, and the role of the "saver", as I say, was already, and has been exploited to death.

Edir: Oh wait, there is one more thing to squeeze...$$$

Edit 2: I liked T3 better than salvation. I hate the "Hunk saves the day" idea

Future movies about the war. That's all I have to say. And yes there are many opportunities in there. Much more than in the movies which are in the past like T1 and T2 or T3.
Why no one has thought to simply to tell the story of all the 2029 events leading up to the Terminators and Kyle Reese travelling back through time is beyond me. Just make a film about the future that Kyle Reese talks about in T1. Simple, everyone would love to see it.
I dont see how people can say T3 was better than T:S, T3 was embarrassing. At least T:S has Good actors and takes things more seriously than T3.