Yeah without a doubt in my mind T4 was better than T3. Thats not really saying much of course.
At least T3 actually had Arnold in it.
I dont see how people can say T3 was better than T:S, T3 was embarrassing. At least T:S has Good actors and takes things more seriously than T3.
Why no one has thought to simply to tell the story of all the 2029 events leading up to the Terminators and Kyle Reese travelling back through time is beyond me. Just make a film about the future that Kyle Reese talks about in T1. Simple, everyone would love to see it.
Both have pros and cons...but they are piece of craps. TS is not even a Terminator movie while T3 is a joke in itself (That is not to say TS is not.). Honestly it's hard to decide about which one is really worst.
T3 on the other hand is an insult to the Terminator legacy through and through.
Yeah without a doubt in my mind T4 was better than T3. Thats not really saying much of course.
T3 is retarded.
T3 at least had real Arnold in it. That instantly makes it better than T4.
a-dev: I considered this. Kyle couldn't have known for sure that they blew the place up immediately after he left because, as you said, he wasn't there to witness it. After he left, they could have said, "oh wait! Two went through! Better send another protector. Somebody get me that T800 that we captured and reprogrammed!"
However, that's just a little too cute, isn't it? They brought their captured and reprogrammed T800 with them into Skynet's base when they "smashed their defense grid"? They must have, because they didn't have time to go back to base and get him. That would take awhile, and while they were doing that the machines could have been sending Terminator after Terminator back in time.
If we accept that as what happened, then we have a new problem. They had a T800 that they captured, but they sent Kyle Reese instead? That doesn't make sense either.
I honestly have no idea what you guys are talking about.
T3 is retarded. Who cares if arnold was in it, I bet he wishes he wasnt. Even if T4 wasnt great, it was still WAY better than T3. Terminator 3 pokes fun at itself, while trying to maintain an extremely serious plot, the rise of the machines.
I remember when I saw this scene in the theaters. Not one person laughed or even chuckled slightly. Tumbleweed.
^^^ My point exactly. At least Terminator Salvation had decent actors and took things more seriously.
That was a spoof filmed specially for the MTV awards that year am I right? Because theres no way anyone was stupid enough to actually put that in a Terminator film.
And why do Terminators just pick people up and throw them in TS?