...Also, interested to know how many the various members here have. Who is 'winning' if you will?
Fortunately the 'pink pants' syndrome is putting me off certain suits and saving me a fortune in the process.. also keeps some shelf space clear.
Iron Man Mark I v2*
Iron Man Mark II*
Mark II Unleashed*
Mark IV Secret Project*
War Machine*
War Machine Milk*
Mark 42.. PO'd (pants are gold at the front)
War Machine 2.. PO'd
(* - in the collection)
Iron Whiplash/ Whiplash 2 - Will be PO'd
Gemini - Will be PO'd (but might morph into a PI 1:4 Diecast)
Igor - Will be PO'd
Mark III 'Silly Thing' - a Grail figure
I suspect that HT will successfully tempt me with some figures yet to be announced, as well.. but I'm a long way off 'winning'.
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