how much do you think Hot Toys sculptors get per sculpt they complete? Let me tell you it is WELL over $1000 - more like 5. and guess what? that one head is casted 15000 times and factory painted and you end up still paying top dollar for a casted generic and widely available head.
What does it matter how many times it has been reproduced?
Now imagine that same sculptor making that same head for ONE PERSON, instead of HOT TOYS.
Oh, gee. I don't know if my imagination can handle that. I may have to go back over the nearly 8 years I've been here to see if I can recall a time when that actually happened.
All of a sudden that head that is worth 2-5 grand for hot toys, is worth LESS somehow because it is THE ONLY ONE and there arent thousands of them and you get it instead of hot toys?!
Who said that? Or even suggested that? I'm pretty sure that the most I've intimated is that it would be worth several thousand dollars for Hot Toys to pay for a unique portrait to be sculpted, but not for an individual. Hot Toys will see many thousands of dollars more return from that investment. A lone buyer will get...a doll (precious, though that doll be).
man, think for one second about what you're talking about.
Perhaps you should take a second (or two) to think about what I'm talking about.
I get the feeling that you think these sculptors do this stuff for free, or that hot toys pays them like 100 bucks and the other 200 goes to body clothing and accessories? and then they just copy the head from there?
Then you're as presumptuous and condescending as you are pretentious.
What a maroon.
So the professional sculptor is losing thousands, wasting his time and effort, all because you expect a 1/1 perfect HS to cost the same as something hot toys casts and multiplies by 10-15 thousand and you STILL pay 300 for!?!?!
I don't expect to pay $300 for a unique portrait when it is worth $5000 to the sculptor. I simply would not pay it, and the sculptor would have to find someone else.
The quality of work produced by these artists is worth, at most, $300 to me. It is only worth that to most people. That is why Hot Toys and Sideshow produce them at volumes which can be sold at roughly that price (or the amount per unit that the market will bear). When you pay $5000 for a figure, you are not getting anything more than a prototype of what has the potential to be produced on a mass scale, and from what I have seen on these boards, it is often a prototype of a lesser quality than what the big companies produce (frequently less so than what comes out of their factories). That is no slight against any of the artists producing these figures. Their work is still phenomenal.
There is simply nothing about it that warrants double, triple, or (gods forbid) ten times the price of what a mass produced figure would cost. There are people with the disposable income to justify the expense. Price no object, and all. That willingness to invest with no profit beyond esthetic satisfaction does not confer a non-existent quality upon the object.
Snobbery? Coming from the guy who is literally unable to give praise to the work of the artists doing this stuff???? I collect hot toys too "bub" , but i also know how the system works.
Arrogant and obnoxious, but hardly unique.
You came in here **** talking mass produced figures. Like a snob.
How much do you think a dx13, for instance, would cost if it were the only one in the world?
More than what anyone who wasn't a borderline fetishist would pay.
I respect the art and im the opposite of a snob when it comes to collecting. You sir, are the one who is being a snob - expecting the world for a nickel.
With as promiscuously as you treat them, I believe it is yourself who should learn to respect a nickel.
Just spreading unjustifiably absent facts to collectors who should know these things, and know what theyre buying / supporting.
They were absent because none of us needed you to tell them to us.