
I can't believe im saying this, but, completely agree, very good post

I agree 18 is still too young, and in some states the legal age is 16, which is still a kid, so I never understood why some states it changes like that, since they are still in highschool like you said,
(i can't believe im having to repeat myself..)
But like I Said Before, After 22 a person should be old enough to know what they want to do with their life and what is good for them, no one should really have to babysit a 23 year old in what they do, I mean, usually at that age people have moved out of their houses and live on their own, which is what I Said before, Im not saying is okay for 40 year olds to hit on 23 year olds, But im saying, someone that is 23 should be able to take care of themselves, and know what's best for them,
Like Eli26 said, so it would be better if you have a daughter to date a guy her age, a guy that could beat her up, cheat on her, leave her pregnant and disappear? I know that's worst case scenario but, it does happen,
I don't know why you say 14 since no one has said anything like that, that's not the subject, that's just going to turn this thread weird,

everyone has been pretty much talking about people in their 20's dating people in the 30's and 40's. so, I don't know

you're talking about something else entirely, something wrong and gross,