How the new rule impacts this forum.

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Re: New forum rule

As stated in the above post, custom 1/6 sculpts heads will still be allowed to be shown. But soliciting members for a group custom for a sculpt that has not been created yet is not allowed. We've all seen that sort of thing just doesn't work.

If it is just about people paying in advance and never receiving what they paid for, Why not still allow the interest threads but not allow any money to be collected until the work is done?

I just feel it will be near impossible to get anything started using only pm messages.
Re: New forum rule

If it is just about people paying in advance and never receiving what they paid for, Why not still allow the interest threads but not allow any money to be collected until the work is done?

And how do you propose the board enforces that? It would be impossible.

Besides the bad feelings is creates from "running behind" customizers or impatient patrons is only secondary to what the main purpose is: to make sure the board isn't encouraging copyright violation.
Re: New forum rule

What if they change the name? Like EC's awesome custom of the "White Haired Magician"? :monkey1

I'm not sure that would fly. "Any similarities to a character or actor likeness are purely coincidental"?

Banning recasting is a good idea I think, though I love many of the altered custom head recasts I've gotten over the years. I added to and tweaked the TB Gimli sculpt but still felt that it was borrowing too much from the original which is partly why I limited the number I offered. Though some changes were made adjusting it to fit a body, Saruman is even more problematic.

I worry much more about original sculpts and statues of licensed characters and actors. :confused: Dave has addressed some of those concerns, but I'm still a bit in the dark of how it will work and what custom original casts will and won't be allowed to be offered for sale "en mass". I do hope that if someone goofs and offers something for sale they shouldn't, a warning and editing/deletion of the thread would occur before an outright banning.
Re: New forum rule

And how do you propose the board enforces that? It would be impossible.

Besides the bad feelings is creates from "running behind" customizers or impatient patrons is only secondary to what the main purpose is: to make sure the board isn't encouraging copyright violation.

If it is about copyright violations I understand. If it is about stopping customizes from ripping people off it doesn't accomplish that, since other non licensed projects will still be allowed.
Re: New forum rule

If it is about copyright violations I understand. If it is about stopping customizes from ripping people off it doesn't accomplish that, since other non licensed projects will still be allowed.

I suggest you reread post #1 because it clearly is mainly about copyright. :)
Re: New forum rule

I suggest you reread post #1 because it clearly is mainly about copyright. :)

Then I'm confused since Dave said in a later post that people can sell 1/6 portrait heads as long as it has already been produced and is not an recast.

This does sound like sad news. So, please explain it to me like I'm a 4 year old, but does this mean that artists like Serang, Rainman, Sovereign Studios, to name a few, can no longer offer their work here for sale?

If this is true, that's too bad. I always looked forward to their work. As a matter of fact, in the next few weeks I was planning on offering my next headsculpt, based on a very popular actor. I guess that won't happen.

Sad times, indeed :(



No, that's not what it means.

First - 1/6th customizers can proceed as before, there is no need for them to worry about this.

If a 1/6th portrait (original, not a recast) has already been produced and cast and is offered for sale - that's great - we encourage that.

The guys producing 1/6th figures in their basement are also fine and can discreetly sell their customs here. However if it's an item that a collectibles company has a license for - then I might ask them to not solicit it for sale to large groups.
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Re: New forum rule

still kinda unclear seeing how a lot of the major toy companies....(like HT) get away with producing well known head sculpts named something totally different as they do with their military lines but also have to obscure known characters (ex: pred "billy") by 20% or so (dont quote me on the #) by painting or other devices. a slippery slope no doubt......:cool:
Well, I bought a Joker head from Les back in August of last year and it took 6 months to actually receive the head. I was getting impatient, and I was wondering why it would take so long and have to pay in advance.

But Les is an honest guy, which is more than I can say about this Chris Howes, if it is true what he did to all of his customers.
so we cant get no more group commisions going no more of a 1/6 head ?

We just have to do it differently. There won't be alot of exposure and each sculpt will take longer to get but hopefully we can work thru that. Someone can post their custom sculpt and we can choose to PM them and inquire as to how they made it, what steps they took and, oh yeah would you make me one?
Re: New forum rule

There arent a lot of major toy companies that do that. HT isnt major, Hasbro and Mattel are major toy companies. I dont understand all the confusion and anger about the new rule. Boards like this should be about discussion, like it used to be. When commerce becomes such a big part of things ^^^^ happens, and you cant say it hasnt happened here.
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Re: New forum rule

There arent a lot of major toy companies that do that. HT isnt major, Hasbro and Mattel are major toy companies. I dont understand all the confusion and anger about the new rule. Boards like this should be about discussion, like this one used to be. When commerce becomes such a big part of things ^^^^ happens.

ok toys isnt a major player in the 1/6th market..........i stand corrected.
Re: New forum rule

Obviously "Z" is not Chris Howe - but his large commission list is starting to look like Howes'.

I'll respectfully disagree. Given Z has been turning sculpts around in a fortnight the list as it stands would be cleared by the end of the year - and thats without getting into the issue of people starting interest threads without Z's ok.
Its a shame that one bad apple has ruined it - and even then it would now appear people will get what they paid for - albeit massively late. Surely we can follow the model that has been applied with Z's current practise - $9 deposit up front and balance on completion of the sculpt ? It will be virtually impossible to organise a commission off forum. Or do we just move this activity over to OSW ?
Seems logical. The Howes problem was probably what has broke the camels' back.

Not trying to start rumours, but maybe it may have also gotten law enforcement aware of this site. Afterall, the headsculpts are unlicensed.

One can still ask to purchased things as before, but if I am not mistaken, all sales have to be done outside of this site
Seems logical. The Howes problem was probably what has broke the camels' back.

Not trying to start rumours, but maybe it may have also gotten law enforcement aware of this site. Afterall, the headsculpts are unlicensed.

One can still ask to purchased things as before, but if I am not mistaken, all sales have to be done outside of this site

Pretty much every sculpt Z has done so far would not have been made had this rule previously existed. And breach of copyright is a civil not criminal breach so law enforcement has zero interest in it - its up the copyright holders to enforce so you can knock law enforcement off your list of reasons.
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Re: New forum rule

I'll respectfully disagree. Given Z has been turning sculpts around in a fortnight the list as it stands would be cleared by the end of the year - and thats without getting into the issue of people starting interest threads without Z's ok.

What if his workload triples within a year or if he receives a new job that requries his attention?

Z isn't Howes in regards to behavior but he seems to be the "new" Howes in the forum as the star unofficial sculptor on this board.

What if something happened to Z and he cannot get back on track? Most likely, there will be someone who will be frustrated with the delays regardless of what has happened and demands the product.
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Re: New forum rule

That's good news! Thanks for the clarification.

One more question, does this new rule effect people like averone who recently offered a beautiful Batman statue and the upcoming Capt. America staue?


Actually that's exactly where the new rule is aimed. Sales of unlicensed statues are copyright infringement and there will be a big crackdown in that area.

I'm not sure that would fly. "Any similarities to a character or actor likeness are purely coincidental"?

Banning recasting is a good idea I think, though I love many of the altered custom head recasts I've gotten over the years. I added to and tweaked the TB Gimli sculpt but still felt that it was borrowing too much from the original which is partly why I limited the number I offered. Though some changes were made adjusting it to fit a body, Saruman is even more problematic.

I worry much more about original sculpts and statues of licensed characters and actors. :confused: Dave has addressed some of those concerns, but I'm still a bit in the dark of how it will work and what custom original casts will and won't be allowed to be offered for sale "en mass". I do hope that if someone goofs and offers something for sale they shouldn't, a warning and editing/deletion of the thread would occur before an outright banning.

As I said - this rule isn't really aimed at customizers in their basement making or altering a couple of heads for the their own use. I've had complaints from sculptors where their portrait sculpts were slightly altered and then recast and sold. So we'll have to treat each situation as they pop up.

I suggest you reread post #1 because it clearly is mainly about copyright. :)

Yes, when it comes to the fully sculpted, mass produced statues - that is correct.

I'll respectfully disagree. Given Z has been turning sculpts around in a fortnight the list as it stands would be cleared by the end of the year - and thats without getting into the issue of people starting interest threads without Z's ok.

Yes, so far he's been very professional and very prolific. But who knows what will happen as the list grows.
We just have to do it differently. There won't be alot of exposure and each sculpt will take longer to get but hopefully we can work thru that. Someone can post their custom sculpt and we can choose to PM them and inquire as to how they made it, what steps they took and, oh yeah would you make me one?

I've never been comfortable with the model that has been used with large groups of people committing money up front. But ultimately I just don't want the bickering and bad will on the forum.

These threads are basically just people saying "I'm in!" What is so toilsome about them sending a PM to the original poster rather than posting in the thread? How does that draw out the time it will take to get something done?
However it means that we can't have any more "interest" threads for prospective 1/6th portraits.

This is why it will take longer. How many sculpters want to spend the time and effort sculpting something other than their own personal interests without an idea of how many folks would actually be interested in it ?

The end result will be we will have our 50th Bond, Indy and Joker sculpts but no more Ray as Punisher, Michael Weston, Donnie Yen etc.

I understand the payment up front issue and agree completely, but I am completely unable to see the logic behind banning interest threads. Seems like complete overkill to what at the end of the day is the actions of a single person.

Honestly I only come here for the custom commissions these days - I've bought approximately 30 custom sculpts in the last 3 months.

Since the Sideshow gained the Star Wars licence I've found the forum increasingly hostile and negative, focussing on minutiae alternating with wishlist FAP FAP FAP threads about what should be next for the licenced products. Combine that with Sideshow virtually dropping 1/6th except for $tar War$ and there's very little to interest me.

Anyway no more posting on this but I guess I'll be spending even less time here and more time on other sites.