HT AvP:R 1/6 Wolf Predator Image Thread

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He's here, no time to put him together until I get home, but just in the box, man does the head sculpt and paint job look amazing, nice gloss work on his ^^^^ed up eye too, really looks deformed and everything. Here's to hoping for no breakages and no missing parts.
It was the easiest of them all,his head went far easier too.The P2 elder was the hardest I think,his head was a ^^^^^ to get on!

Yeah I was affraid I was going to break something. LOL! That is good to hear though. I always dread putting these things together.
Heads are super easy and take no effort to put on if you heat the base of the head with a hair dryer or put it in hot water for a few seconds to soften the plastic. They just pop right on with very little pressure.
Heads are super easy and take no effort to put on if you heat the base of the head with a hair dryer or put it in hot water for a few seconds to soften the plastic. They just pop right on with very little pressure.

Yeah,I used this technique on all my preds.The only problem I had was that the P2 Elders head was really hard to get on because of his armour and gun being in the way.It was much harder getting his head on without worrying about breaking something.
Heads are super easy and take no effort to put on if you heat the base of the head with a hair dryer or put it in hot water for a few seconds to soften the plastic. They just pop right on with very little pressure.

Yep, thats the only way to go...been doing it since the Scar and Celtic release
I'm gonna meet Ian Whyte at CollectorMania next wkend. I'll ask if he has any Hot Toys!!

OK, so I'm putting Wolf together, the shoulder armor, infinitely easier to put on then P2.

Here's where I'm stuck, the loin cloth, are you supposed to just slide it up his legs and onto his waist or is there some way it comes undone and you wrap it around him?

OK, so I'm putting Wolf together, the shoulder armor, infinitely easier to put on then P2.

Here's where I'm stuck, the loin cloth, are you supposed to just slide it up his legs and onto his waist or is there some way it comes undone and you wrap it around him?

I heated it up with the hair dryer so it was softer and more pliable and I could get a little more stretch if needed. I then slid it on on over his legs (lower legs and hip armor NOT attached) and over his hips onto his waist. It did have to stretch a little at one point, but it helped being soft.

If you haven't already, I suggest you tie down the torso netting BEFORE putting on the loincloth. But you can do it after if you want...I ended up using some thicker string I had since the string they give you is somewhat short.

OK, so I'm putting Wolf together, the shoulder armor, infinitely easier to put on then P2.

Here's where I'm stuck, the loin cloth, are you supposed to just slide it up his legs and onto his waist or is there some way it comes undone and you wrap it around him?

I used some Needle-nose pliers to help pull it on, it is tricky but there is no other way to do it.
Thanks guys, I'll give it a shot, and first thing I did was to tie down the netting, a step that seems unnecessary if they'd done more, but it's also easily resolved too.