HT AvP:R 1/6 Wolf Predator Image Thread

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After a month waiting in his box to be assembled, Wolf's finally on my shelf!




SO AWSOME BRO !! they look amazing !
your back home I presume?
Great photos everyone and congratulations on everyone getting their Wolf!!!!

For those that care...a lot of you have the kneepads on upside-down (and perhaps on the opposite leg regarding the curve of them).

I myself got a little worried thinking I had the kneepads on wrong after seeing all those photos from everyone so I had to check on it. I followed the instructions but I got a little confused with the kneepads (I believe they are even packed upside down,right?...not sure on that) so I referenced the photos of Wolf on the actual box and followed that.

I double-checked the box and then even checked the AVP:R design book to see what was correct and confirmed that I had the kneepads on correctly.*whew* :eek:
Do you have a pic of the chip? As far a the spring goes....Yeah I would contact sideshow. They are excellent with Customer service. It seems that allot of people are either missing hoses (there's supposed to be 7 of 'em) or broke. I would think they would just send you what you need. After all that is a small part.

Here is a pic of the paint chip. I am undecided on what to do. It is very small but for almost $200.00 I don't know if I can deal with a blemish for the price. Les if your around any ideas?


He is awesome though!

It's your investment Badmoon, but even with $200 figures there are still bound to be small flaws in either paint or fit of something, there's just no such thing as a flawless production run. Personally, I could live with that chip there, but if it bothers you enough take action.
Sorry about the chip Badmoon...I know how you feel. :(

By posting photos here and commenting about it, I say go ahead and see if you can get a replacement unless you're willing to test out some paints or something.

I could personally live with that. But some others I know it might bother them. If it looks flakey like it might lift more paint off though,I'd get an exchange.
It sucks I guess but personally I would leave it.
I may be presuming but by the look of your shelves he will be displayed highish anyway so the paint chip won't be visible anyway.
Yeah I think I am going to keep it and just touch it up myself. I never plan on selling my stuff so I guess I don't really mind.
I tried to bend the mandibles a bit to get some more expression in his face. I decided to display him without the bio-helm since he looks so badass.

And heres a "battle damgaged" helmet I worked up. Its not flush against his face because of the mandibles though.

hey by any chance is he flexible enough to be posed into a crouching position?? almost like he is inspecting some tracks on the ground.

Somewhat. You can get some kneeling poses, but the body isn't made for crouching. The thigh stops at a 90 degree angle with the hip and to crouch is need to go even smaller than that putting the knee up towards the upper body, but it's not made to do that. I would love if HT designed a Pred body for a P1 with a hip joint that could allow for crouching. Since they have armor and loin cloths to cover their waist, there's no need to worry if the joint is unsightly.[/img]
What kind of paint did you use & what color did you use to paint the copper color on the cannons? It rocks!!