Super Freak
In a disfuntional family, folks generally know each other and would know not to say certain things or have a certain level of basic manners what with grandma being present.
Waaaay to many people on this thread in particular say things that they would never say to a persons face.
I just want to talk action figures and not have to wade through keyboard warriors' pointless drivel.
Start a blog then.

I agree with toylion and go for Batman and hold out on Captain America.
I think this is the Batman item to have.
Though I think you should try to raise the beans for CA somehow. Any comics or other smaller figures you could stand replacing with a Hot Toy?
That's what i do when I can't do a small commission or sell a few prints.
Not sure that's wise. While this figure is exclusive, he's essentially the second variant released in the same suit. Cap, on the other hand, is a first release from a popular movie about an iconic character and this is likely the only time HT will be releasing him in his WWII get-up. ESPECIALLY with Avengers on the horizon next summer, HT will leave WWII in the past and shoot for a modern suit. If possible, I'd strongly recommend swinging both. If not, I'd pick up Cap first and Batman down the road. Once Sideshow starts shipping, the crazy ebay prices for Batman will drop just like they did last time the OC suit was re-released.