HT DX 2.0 TDK Joker - teaser image

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Awesome, finally, the gloves look to be the right shade! :yess:

Anyone else notice the "DX" logo isn't there? Or do they just ignore that on the backstage previews?
Great news that we will get a close to perfect joker this time as I cant imagine the mass produced version will stray in quality to much, hopefully full reveal will be soon.


Is it just me or is the shirt on the semi-completed figure different from the ones on the table?
Could just be the lighting. I'm really excited about that coat: four tails and orange lining!:woo
Could just be the lighting. I'm really excited about that coat: four tails and orange lining!:woo

Looks like the shoes have real laces.


The outfit looks fantastic! If they put this much into the outfit I think they more than likely put that much into the sculpt. I'm pumped. I'm thinking this is going to be more than Jack Joker. I'm almost scared to know how much this will cost. It doesn't really matter anymore of how much or little comes with the figure, HT prices what they want.
The only work HT couldn't best was Kato's work. So it hired him. Wise, wise move HT. Glad you're on board Kato, HT needed you.
This looks awesome so far, can't wait to see the final product!

Here's what I think:

This is going to be like DX Jack Sparrow. Basically, it will come with two heads and one outfit. HT mentioned in an interview before that the Nurse outfit seems unlikely. So one interrogation scene headsculpt, and one clean head.
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a smiling interrogation head sculpt like the custom that's about in some of the other threads would be great.
Well. . .I would probably be annoyed if I previously had paid $1,000 for a Kato suit or whatever and they were now available for a third of that with accessories and the figure. But I'm glad that the guys who seemingly bought those have a good attitude about it. I guess HT does pay attention to the great custom artists out there.

But! Will the mass production run roll out like a thousand dollar suit? That's the big question. Or will Hot Toys try & mind F us into thinking if we kinda tilt our heads.....squint....& in the right lighting, YES its a dead ringer. Or will we get the real deal? And I'm sorry, if I forked out a cool grand for theads that sharp only to........well you know.
I wouldn't buy a $1000 suit for myself, so I doubt my 1/6 Joker will be really bothered whether he gets one or not.

But his socks had better be accurate or he'll be too embarrassed to sit on his chair in case he shows too much ankle. :wink1:
Suit looks great.

It's good seeing people excited about this figure.

Pass for me though. I own all the previous versions of the joker. Can't justify spending tons of money on a fifth. I'm satisfied with the other figures so I'm pretty much set.
If Kato is a master at 1/6, imagine his skills in 1/4! :panic:


pick up the phone, it's Enterbay calling you! :panic:

I still laugh thinking of a Kato Hulk for me, those would be the best ripped pants ever! :lol
As someone who always appreciated but could never afford Kato's work, I'm thrilled that his influence will be felt with this figure. It's really cool to see ground level customs (even if somewhat diluted by the HT factory) reaching the masses this way. Can't wait to see the head sculpts.

Since you sent Kato's joker pics to HT and got this set up do you think you could send them some pics of your DK Medix? Ha Ha

:goodpost: Umair's Medix is the purest form of 1/6 TDK Batman out there..if HT based the TDKR Batman on it, it's dream come true time. :yess:
love the pic the suit it wasn't cheap lol great coming from hot toys
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