HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I can fit a HotToys head on a Soldier Story body BUT I need to put something in the socket (blue-tack, hot glue, wadded thin plastic) to make it stay in place.
The hands should port over onto Soldier Story pegs pretty easily but you aren't gonna get HT pegs into an SS body without major mods.
The Ball-joints for the feet are different too, the SS joints are smaller and the HotToys joints won't fit.
you can modify it to use them but it's often more trouble than it's worth.

that said, I DID port my HT Chris Taylor over to a Soldier Story body.
I can fit a HotToys head on a Soldier Story body BUT I need to put something in the socket (blue-tack, hot glue, wadded thin plastic) to make it stay in place.
The hands should port over onto Soldier Story pegs pretty easily but you aren't gonna get HT pegs into an SS body without major mods.
The Ball-joints for the feet are different too, the SS joints are smaller and the HotToys joints won't fit.
you can modify it to use them but it's often more trouble than it's worth.

that said, I DID port my HT Chris Taylor over to a Soldier Story body.

Thanks for the info.
Sarcasm aside, you bring up a good point. As a general rule, most people suck at futzing their figures. And it appears that the Arab disguise needs major futzing to look right. The turban looks like a PITA to futz with.


Which is exactly why I'm so interested in seeing some more pictures of it!

I'm quite certain it all comes down to proper futzing (and as you say, people generally suck at offense to the General People of the world...) but the few pics I've seen of the in-hand product leaves much to be desired. When you consider the fact that the Arab robes are the only real "firsts" that this product has to offer when it comes to 1:6 Indy gear, I'm more than a little surprised that we haven't seen more of them.
Long backstory.... but the short of it is: they are known as Sovereign Studios Indy jackets, specially made, and can still be found occassionally on eBay. The customizer, Shawn, has been making custom Indys for years (10 years I think) with this type of jacket and it still has not been beaten. For a time he was making just jacket upgrades for SS Indy. But he has many outstanding orders apparently.

So, buyer beware if you go direct. Best to get one from the Sales Thread here or check eBay.
This is the best I could do in 5 minutes. I'm sure a good water treatment would make it look way better but this wasn't the way I was gonna keep it so I didn't do that. I couldn't get rid of the ice cream cone look.

Yeah, to be honest, I haven't even tried putting the Arab gear on. Haven't even taken his jacket off, except to put the bag on. I'll get around to it one day soon, but the head scarf does looks like a pain to put on.
it is a real pain. with the hat hair on it flops around and with the normal hair on its super tight. I tired it on my hatless sideshow head and it had to be forced on but it does just fit.
This is the best I could do in 5 minutes. I'm sure a good water treatment would make it look way better but this wasn't the way I was gonna keep it so I didn't do that. I couldn't get rid of the ice cream cone look.


Great job, hey don't feel bad Harrison didn't wear the tunic well in the movie either, John Ryhs Davies looked the best wearing the head wrap! :)

I might try a few shots with that, but to be honest with you, I might skip that outfit al together, It's a nice representation of the film, but it's just not Indy to me, even in the movie I thought so.

However, I loved the special effects on the map room scene:lol
This thread just keeps on chugging along. 225 pages since the 14th of this month (that's 10 days). Imagine if this and the old thread were merged? Be up to 1,000 pages by now.
This thread just keeps on chugging along. Imagine if this and the old thread were merged? Be up to 1,000 pages by now.

Wait until more people actually get it in their hands like me :yess:
The pics alone that people will post will sky rocket to heavens like the Ark :rotfl
This is the best I could do in 5 minutes. I'm sure a good water treatment would make it look way better but this wasn't the way I was gonna keep it so I didn't do that. I couldn't get rid of the ice cream cone look.


I just see this as a challenge. Can't wait to get mine to futz with it. That's half the fun of this hobby, playing with your toys.
That what was so great about G.I. Joe, changing him into different outfits, frogman, pilot or Astronaut.
Awhile back in this thread there were pics of Indy holding the idol from ROTLA that's fine.

But then I saw one with him holding the Ashes of the chinese emperor that the chinese mafia goons wanted in TOD. And then I saw with the holy grail from the TLC. Where did you get those props from, I want to add the ashes and the cup to my Indy, or did you photoshop those in please let me know how I can get those props, whoever posted those pics. Please share :dunno
Awhile back in this thread there were pics of Indy holding the idol from ROTLA that's fine.

But then I saw one with him holding the Ashes of the chinese emperor that the chinese mafia goons wanted in TOD. And then I saw with the holy grail from the TLC. Where did you get those props from, I want to add the ashes and the cup to my Indy, or did you photoshop those in please let me know how I can get those props, whoever posted those pics. Please share :dunno

SS Jones Sr. comes with a grail. I'm not sure where the ashes came from.