HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Don't people have anything better to do than complain over and over and over again? I have kept my mouth shut eagerly awaiting what this final product will look like and I think it looks fine. Definitely not worth all the lambasting and derision this figure gets. If people don't like it, that's fine but make a point and stop posting the same crap over and over again. It's annoying to almost everyone.

What ^^^ said! :lecture:exactly::goodpost:

I really like this pic. Most of my figures I fiddle with until I find the "one" look but... I think this figure will always be toyed with almost evrytime I pass.
I can't imagine how some of you get through life when you become so vexed and bent outta shape over posts that you don't like on the innernetz.
Some of you sound like good candidates for road rage incidents or vying to be voted biggest drama queen on the forum.
You act like Hans Gruber is holding a gun to your head ordering you to read every word.
Good lord.
After some time with Indy here are a few of the issues I have with it:

- Head size is too small
- Expression is too neutral, not the full-on smirk or the completely serious face
- PERS takes away from the likeness
- Muscular body is restrictive and unnecessary
I can't imagine how some of you get through life when you become so vexed and bent outta shape over posts that you don't like on the innernetz.
Some of you sound like good candidates for road rage incidents or vying to be voted biggest drama queen on the forum.
You act like Hans Gruber is holding a gun to your head ordering you to read every word.
Good lord.

LOL...yep that's probably true but I can say the same about the complainers. I honestly don't know how people make it through life that feel the need to complain over and over again about the same thing then never letting it go. It's called nagging and no one likes a nag. :)
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I can't imagine how some of you get through life when you become so vexed and bent outta shape over Indiana Jones actions figures that you don't like on the innernetz.
Some of you sound like good candidates for road rage incidents or vying to be voted biggest drama queen on the forum.
You act like Hans Gruber is holding a gun to your head ordering you to read every word.
Good lord.
I've heard this a few times but it must be something more apparent in hand because that's one issue I just can't see.

I can't say about in hand... but in some shots it looks like the head is maybe a bit small compared to the size of the body. I think the muscular body is maybe a bit to broad for Indy. So the head is a good size, but looks small due to the oversized body.

I'd definitely be using my Ezio body on this one.
After some time with Indy here are a few of the issues I have with it:

- Head size is too small- Expression is too neutral, not the full-on smirk or the completely serious face
- PERS takes away from the likeness
- Muscular body is restrictive and unnecessary

Yeah, I think that the muscle body may be the problem. I think the head may look better on a regular TT or even a Enzio body if you have one.
LOL...yep that's probably true but I can say the same about the complainers. I honestly don't know how people make it through life that feel the need to complain over and over again about the same thing then never letting it go. It's called nagging and no one likes a nag. :)

Just give them the same treatment you would a Nag, the silent treatment :rotfl
Picture theft ?
Aren't these Tin's pics from this forum?

Kindest regards

Yep they sure are! Maybe it's tin? I guess he didn't like it after all. ;) I always like how eBay sellers try and have you believe you are getting a deal ... Then the shipping always makes up for any deal?!

If that's the case, he sure tried and did'nt like 4 after all. The seller there has already sold 2 and has 2 left
I can't imagine how some of you get through life when you become so vexed and bent outta shape over Indiana Jones actions figures that you don't like on the innernetz.
Some of you sound like good candidates for road rage incidents or vying to be voted biggest drama queen on the forum.
You act like Hans Gruber is holding a gun to your head ordering you to read every word.
Good lord.