HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I have it pre-ordered through CSC. They usually get theirs the same day or day after SS. So if SS is indeed shipping this week, that would mean CSC would as well. Thats why Im so psyched! :hi5:

I am hoping the schedule holds but I have a hard time believing it is accurate. I am sure someone will post whatever happens with SS.

Buuuuuut the schedule holds true, Batman last week, Indy this week and Superman in a few weeks. :joy
I am hoping the schedule holds but I have a hard time believing it is accurate. I am sure someone will post whatever happens with SS.

Buuuuuut the schedule holds true, Batman last week, Indy this week and Superman in a few weeks. :joy

Skipping Batman. But Superman will be the next on my list. I think I will call SS and have them just charge the whole amount for Superman (since I was going to do Flex Pay, I dont want to wait till Dec to get him :lol)

Then the wait for DX06 Sparrow! :impatient::impatient::impatient:
Skipping Batman. But Superman will be the next on my list. I think I will call SS and have them just charge the whole amount for Superman (since I was going to do Flex Pay, I dont want to wait till Dec to get him :lol)

Then the wait for DX06 Sparrow! :impatient::impatient::impatient:

When you call them about Supes ask about Indy :wink1: I have Cap Jack on the list as well. Based on the proto's should be a grand slam fig.

Agree with you both with Cpt Jack. To say he has an amazing likeness would be understating and not doing the figure justice.

Its just a really shame that Indy doesn't have the same magic

Butters said in the other thread that you cant shrink an actor to 1/6.

Well I think they very well almost have with jack.

It is pretty amazing that this figure is pushing $300 including shipping! And I won't bring up "this economy" (okay I will.)

I pieced together a complete SSC Indy when I was starting last year (with a few multiple items like guns and idols etc.) for $45 including shipping. This probably qualifies me as a scavenger, but I can't put untold thousands into this hobby.

I just wish this thread was every poster gushing with praise for another stunning HT bullseye. I wish it was the 1989 Joker thread that was in conflict mode.

If you can afford this figure, it's just a bummer that you pay a truly staggering amount of money for a figure that is a strong 8/10 - really very nice - but not that 10/10 Captain Jack/Supes/89 Joker bullseye. That magical - almost eerie - sense that you are looking at the actual character.

You just shouldn't have to "settle" for a figure that costs over $250. At that price, it should absolutely blow you away. And while it's exciting to see some people really liking the figure (I'm almost in that camp,) I don't think anyone seems 100% blown away by it.

I took a few days away from the DX Indy threads and a funny thing happened.... I'm starting to like the figure. No joke.

I'm kind of the same. That's why I said if I can get it for $200 if it goes on gift card I'll snag it.
The more I look at this one, the more I see Ford. Tilt his head down a bit and the illusion goes away. The mind plays some funny tricks sometimes.


Tilt head down and I don't see it as much. Great pose though on this one, however the above one I like better.

That again? :rolleyes:

I'm answering HPGR_Thrawn's legitimate question. At least he has to click a link as I am no longer re-posting those two images.
Just my thoughts. This picture doesn't look bad, it has an Indy feel or overall presentation. That said, no way would I pay $50 - $150 for the paint app on that figure. IMO still looks bad almost like a porcelain doll. If customizers could duplicate HT paint scheme then I'd talk about a custom.

First off,I didn't pay anything for that head paint. I did it myself. I'd be happy to put it up against anything you can do in comparison.

I didn't post my custom in here and I am not holding it up as an example for or against the HT Jones. Which I think looks great.

Agree with you both with Cpt Jack. To say he has an amazing likeness would be understating and not doing the figure justice.

Its just a really shame that Indy doesn't have the same magic

Butters said in the other thread that you cant shrink an actor to 1/6.

Well I think they very well almost have with jack.


I agree on Cap Jack, wish I could afford him as well. Weird thing is, my wife is a HUGE Johnny Depp fan, has been since 21 Jump Street, and she doesn't share my feelings on the sculpt at all (though she thinks the Indy looks like great).

Maybe the closer some of us are to a character/actor, the more critical we are of it and can point out the tiny "flaws" (like left nostrils) that the run of the mill fan, or casual collector, wouldn't notice. I'm a pretty big Indy fan though, and I am quite happy with him, so who knows? :dunno