HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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I don't know! Seems to coil pretty well to me !:dunno

That picture is actually one of the ones I don't like. It should be a bigger coil, making me think either the whip isn't long enough, or the material is too thick/not braided tight enough.

I think the whip looks pretty nice myself, but will have to wait until I have it in hand to pass final judgment. There are obviously much nicer custom made whips out there, but I can live with this:



Another point, remember all the uproar about his shoes when the proto pics hit? Seems like they turned out pretty good after all. In some pics they almost look weathered. Can anyone that has it in hand comment?

Thanks for posting, this is a better picture, but I'm thinking I may still upgrade to a third party whip.
I know someone got an email saying order is processing today but I cant remember who.

It was me, I've posted it a couple of times. Haven't received anything from them yet, but will let you know as soon as I do.
I received an email a couple days ago that they would begin processing orders today but like I said my order status doesn't say shipping soon. I guess we will find out soon enough.

This is definitely the best pictures I've seen that make the sculpt look as close as possible.

There is no denying that HT's is the best looking figure. It does have the best proportions, the best tailoring, the best paint, the best textures, etc. It's the closest to a real person being shrunk down to 12". The problem is that this real person may or may not be HF. I can't argue that the face is not beautifully done--it just doesn't look enough like HF to me.

Sideshow's Indy *looks* horrible (as you can see in these recent comparison pics), but with a little futzing can look better, and with some fixes (like a new body and face repaint) can look great. I love mine. Let's not forget that Sideshow's is also 2 years old too, and we've seen how much things have advanced in that time.

It looks like HT's Indy needs some futzing as well for the clothes to fit better. I still can't get past the face sculpt (or lack thereof) to price point ratio. At a lower price I can live with the face. For $250+ it's just too much for something that I'm going to look at with disappointment every day. If I find him for under $200 (more like $150-$160), I'll get him. Or I'll just wait and hope HT does a TOD Indy with an improved headsculpt.
This is definitely the best pictures I've seen that make the sculpt look as close as possible.

There is no denying that HT's is the best looking figure. It does have the best proportions, the best tailoring, the best paint, the best textures, etc. It's the closest to a real person being shrunk down to 12". The problem is that this real person may or may not be HF. I can't argue that the face is not beautifully done--it just doesn't look enough like HF to me.

Sideshow's Indy *looks* horrible (as you can see in these recent comparison pics), but with a little futzing can look better, and with some fixes (like a new body and face repaint) can look great. I love mine. Let's not forget that Sideshow's is also 2 years old too, and we've seen how much things have advanced in that time.

It looks like HT's Indy needs some futzing as well for the clothes to fit better. I still can't get past the face sculpt (or lack thereof) to price point ratio. At a lower price I can live with the face. For $250+ it's just too much for something that I'm going to look at with disappointment every day. If I find him for under $200 (more like $150-$160), I'll get him. Or I'll just wait and hope HT does a TOD Indy with an improved headsculpt.

Very, very well said.
Re: Hot Toys DX05- Indiana Jones (Raiders of the Lost Ark) 1/6 Figure Full Specs + Pi

Well, my personnal favorite is that one (plus another one of that set but I can't find it).

Here there's absolutely no light or photoshopping effect, and I see a lot of Ford in here, plus the eyes don't look too bad!

i like this too natural lighting and no hint of any guyliner

How come it looks so small comapred to the others??? I was thinking it was just posed farther away from the others, but they seem parallel. Can someone take some pics of the HT Indy next to some other figs, because if it is as small as it looks, this is yet another MAJOR issue with the figure. it almost looks mediacom sized, which is not a compliment
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How come it looks so small comapred to the others??? I was thinking it was just posed farther away from the others, but they seem parallel. Can someone take some pics of the HT Indy next to some other figs, because if it is as small as it looks, this is yet another MAJOR issue with the figure. it almost looks mediacom sized, which is not a compliment

I believe faststreets did some major modding to his custom Indys, including making the bodies bigger to balance out the head sizes. The picture might be exaggerating the size difference a little more than in reality, though, cos I don't remember the sizes being THAT much bigger.
I believe faststreets did some major modding to his custom Indys, including making the bodies bigger to balance out the head sizes. The picture might be exaggerating the size difference a little more than in reality, though, cos I don't remember the sizes being THAT much bigger.
Look at the size of the jackets and boots! It looks tiny. It just might be perspective though. Are the jackets the sovereign ones? The really look good. The HT one looks too baggy.
Just got off the phone with Indy is processed and will ship out today or tomorrow at the latest :)
Look at the size of the jackets and boots! It looks tiny. It just might be perspective though. Are the jackets the sovereign ones? The really look good. The HT one looks too baggy.

Faststreets definitely added height to his figures (unfortunately his pictures don't appear to be linked anymore):

Here are the bodies that I used and what I did to them:

Raiders Indy:
Hot Toys Slim with 1.5 CM added to the torso area

Raiders Travel Indy:
Hot Toys Slim with 1.5 CM added to the torso area

OK, why did I used the slim on the Raiders version and not on the TOD, LC or KOTCS? Because Harrison was thinner then, and, compared to the other, they look about right, at least to me.

TOD Return to the Village Indy:
Hot Toys Narrow Shoulders with 1.5 CM added to the torso area

TOD The Village Indy (the one with his hands in his pockets):
Hot Toys Narrow Shoulders with 1.5 CM added to the torso area

Last Crusade Leap of Faith:
Hot Toys Narrow Shoulders with 1.5 CM added to the torso area

Last Crusade "Behind the Scenes" (the hatless one -- which is not finished by the way):
Hot Toys Narrow Shoulders with 1.5 CM added to the torso area

KOTCS Sideshow Sculpt:
Ace Dan body with A LOT of mod: 1.5 CM added to torso, 1 CM to each arm & leg, chest sanded down, and slight belly added.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>

KOTCS Medicom:
Hot Toys Slim, with no mod to the torso area (the head is too small for that)

But you're right--part of it is the perspective that's exaggerating the size difference.
These are all customs with different heights. The Hot Toys figure appears to be scale in head to torso ratio. I would have them all on different shelves for display regardless ...

I agree, the head/torso ratio looks in scale to itself. But How is it compared to OTHER 1/6 figs? not the your torso-modifed indys? If you get the chance, post some side by sides with other figs.

The other 3 look great! what scukpt did you use oin the one in the far right?