HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Completely forgot I had a Coco shelf in the basement. Score! :rock

I'm very close to having all the 1/6 Raiders goodness I'll ever need.

These aren't properly futzed or accessorized, just put them up there to get an idea how they'll look.


Also had another go at the turban. This time I tucked it up into the hat part. Much better but I still need to work on getting the shirt collar lower.

I don't want to be a broken record but I really am super happy about these things. Of course a big part of that is my attachment to the movies (Raiders especially). I'll never appreciate the best Iron Man the way I will this flawed Indy.

Maybe I'm not an elite 1/6 collector :lol since I can't see what a disastrous piece of crap this is but that's fine with me. I hope everybody who got one is enjoying it half as much as me and if not I hope you get double your cost when you sell! :)
Damn, Yonose! Three?!? You are hardcore, my friend!

Only in this one tiny area. :lol

I've given up almost everything else. When I saw that HT was doing Indy and Star Wars I realized how much crap I was buying just for shiggles. Cut all of that out and now I can focus on characters that really mean something to me. :)
OK, YoNoSe, you need one more... a dusty, dirty and bloody post plane fight, post truck fight Indiana Jones.

But....but the shelf only holds three....:(

I've done my share of customizing but I'll never take a brush to these guys. Especially not considering you never know when HT is going to pop out a Battle-Damaged Super Happy Con Exclusive limited to 4 million (US Only). Them heads ain't cheap!
But....but the shelf only holds three....:(

I've done my share of customizing but I'll never take a brush to these guys. Especially not considering you never know when HT is going to pop out a Battle-Damaged Super Happy Con Exclusive limited to 4 million (US Only). Them heads ain't cheap!

Nice shelf! It's great that you got 3 of them so you can display them in the different gears. :clap

You're right. A BD Indy is the perfect blister/con ex/whatever.

That's a chase figure I would chase.

Still might have a go of it though. I always see clean Indys ... have yet to see a genuine BD one.
didnt know weather to post these in custom indy or here, but heres my hot toys Indy, with my SS head repainted by the one and only Small Studios. I swapped hats and used Hot Toys, I think its the best part of the figure. Jacket is Katos.


didnt know weather to post these in custom indy or here, but heres my hot toys Indy, with my SS head repainted by the one and only Small Studios. I swapped hats and used Hot Toys, I think its the best part of the figure. Jacket is Katos.



I like the jacket and the stubble looks okay, but I don't know if it's the lighting or the headsculpt, but it looks to much like a mannequin of Ford, it actually makes the expression on his mouth stick out to much, where the original SSC sculpt was more subtle of a look to it. It just seems so plastic looking, sorry, I'll stick with the HT sculpt.
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Well said. One thing that I have noticed is that the cell phone pics, and self proclaimed "bad photographers" have done a much better job of capturing the figure's "in hand" appearance than a lot of the more "artistic" photographers that have posted.

I agree and think this is an important point. Those beautiful artistic photos are meant to highlight the strong points. They can really sell the product. The posing, lighting, shadow are all in just the right place. I think a key to RAINMAN's success is in his beautiful quality professional photography. If a professional photographer can make my sister-in-law look good on her wedding day--he can sell anything.
-- So those pics are not the best thing to go by--wonderful to look at and save-- but not necessarily a true image.
Now , what the lesser talented photographers bring you is a truer picture of what will be sitting on your shelf
I think, though now is the time to decide if you want to collect this fig or not. The likelihood is you will not see it on display in your local shop--- so you have to go by the pictures information and testimony you find on the internet.--- of which there is now a wealth. I would give the most weight to those less-professional pics. If they don't add up for you-- pass it by--and pass the thread by.
I am WELL satisfied with mine btw.
I agree and think this is an important point. Those beautiful artistic photos are meant to highlight the strong points. They can really sell the product. The posing, lighting, shadow are all in just the right place. I think a key to RAINMAN's success is in his beautiful quality professional photography. If a professional photographer can make my sister-in-law look good on her wedding day--he can sell anything.
-- So those pics are not the best thing to go by--wonderful to look at and save-- but not necessarily a true image.
Now , what the lesser talented photographers bring you is a truer picture of what will be sitting on your shelf
I think, though now is the time to decide if you want to collect this fig or not. The likelihood is you will not see it on display in your local shop--- so you have to go by the pictures information and testimony you find on the internet.--- of which there is now a wealth. I would give the most weight to those less-professional pics. If they don't add up for you-- pass it by--and pass the thread by.
I am WELL satisfied with mine btw.

I agree, You have to trust that Hot Toys has come a long way from the start and that the company does not produce garbage figures with flimsy bodies like SSC uses in their bodies. Indy is as a solid piece as they come, the only thing I'd say is even more solid is the CR Superman because of the brillant arm movement design that Indy lacks a little, but makes up for in a solid body frame, there is nothing flimsy in either pieces.

Another point that HT's tries to mimic in their collectibles, is the feeling of an actual human being or character represented in 1/6 scale. They still attempt to produce a action figure, but at the same time they strive to get enough detail so it mimics the actual character. With might have to take the risk, because of the unique, not bad headsculpt, but trust me, those of you who do so, will not be disappointed, because it is such a solid constructed figure. :lecture

The newly designed muscular bodies of HT have come along way
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SWEET! You need to send that back to me for a special Indy paint job though.

That looks beautiful. I may have a go at it myself. I'm no carpenter but I'm a fair painter. Once I finalize poses and positions.

You should consider a special shelf with a circular addition in the center so the Idol Pedestal can go directly in front of Indy. :naughty

Can't recommend your shelf enough. It's like a moving buddy - if you don't have one, GET ONE!.
I don't want to be a broken record but I really am super happy about these things. Of course a big part of that is my attachment to the movies (Raiders especially). I'll never appreciate the best Iron Man the way I will this flawed Indy.

Very well put YoNoSe.