HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Great pic! One of the best. :hi5:

That's how I see it on mine as well, it seems when the eyes are shifted more, specifically to the right or left, you can really see Ford, however dead on, you still see him, but it's a little odd :slap

All in all still a solid figure :clap
That literal in-hand close-up looks very good.

I think too that HT went too light on the beard. It was much heavier in Raiders. Maybe the sculpt looks worse with a heavier beard (as those things don't tend to look good painted) but I wonder if it would bring out Ford as Indy even more? :dunno

I think I'll give it a go when I get my own. Mine ships out today. Hope to have it in hand Weds/Thurs.
I honestly have to say that I don't think this figure can be photographed... All of the pics I have seen on this thread have been all over the place, some looking spot on, others not so much. Having received the figure this weekend, the first thing that went through my head when I saw him with my own eyes.. "That looks just like him!"

So I just think there is something about the sculpt that makes it nearly impossible to photograph cause in hand it look spot on...
If you see a photo of any HT figure that strikes you as "pretty good" or great then you can rest easy because the figure will look so much better in person. This has been the case with all my HT figures so far... they always look better than the really great or not so great photos I have seen before having the figure in hand. Indy does seem to be all over the place though, some pics make it look like the end all Indy figure and some can make it look really bad. Opinions are varying quite a lot with those of us that have it in hand as well. Really a strange anomaly this particular Hot Toys sculpt is.
hey guys,I havent been following this thread,so forgive me if this has already been discussed,has anyone posted pics of the sideshow and hot toys Indys together to show the differences? I have the sideshow version and am planning on grafting the good parts together.I already have the pedastal and back drop coming and the head,but it would be nice to see the two figures side by side so I can get a better idea of whatelse I need to make the sideshow version better without breaking the bank.

This pic is amazing!!
I hope mine is here soon!
This pic is amazing!!
I hope mine is here soon!

I really think this figure is growing on people. It isn't 100%. but I don't think any Hot Toy figures is. But this figures are light years ahead of what we use to collect just a few years ago.
Im trying to limit my collecting to Star Wars and LOTR, but i have to admit Hot Toys makes it really hard. I really love their sculpts.
I honestly have to say that I don't think this figure can be photographed... All of the pics I have seen on this thread have been all over the place, some looking spot on, others not so much. Having received the figure this weekend, the first thing that went through my head when I saw him with my own eyes.. "That looks just like him!"

So I just think there is something about the sculpt that makes it nearly impossible to photograph cause in hand it look spot on...


Well said. One thing that I have noticed is that the cell phone pics, and self proclaimed "bad photographers" have done a much better job of capturing the figure's "in hand" appearance than a lot of the more "artistic" photographers that have posted.

Seems to be making most people happy.

Just found out mine already shipped out on Thursday! They got their shipment from Sideshow early... So I might get this as early as tomorrow!

Can't wait to hear what you think of him Wor-Gar...
hey guys,I havent been following this thread,so forgive me if this has already been discussed,has anyone posted pics of the sideshow and hot toys Indys together to show the differences? I have the sideshow version and am planning on grafting the good parts together.I already have the pedastal and back drop coming and the head,but it would be nice to see the two figures side by side so I can get a better idea of whatelse I need to make the sideshow version better without breaking the bank.

Hope this helps you out a little, I used these in natural sunlight, sorry but I used my iphone.




I really think this figure is growing on people. It isn't 100%. but I don't think any Hot Toy figures is. But this figures are light years ahead of what we use to collect just a few years ago.

Exactly!! We've gotten a little spoiled IMHO...:lecture


Well said. One thing that I have noticed is that the cell phone pics, and self proclaimed "bad photographers" have done a much better job of capturing the figure's "in hand" appearance than a lot of the more "artistic" photographers that have posted.

First cell phone pic we had pretty much...still holds up

First cell phone pic we had pretty much...still holds up


That pic still looks startlingly real to me, skin and such looks alive. I've come to realize that it is in fact a bit squished and that the sculpt is indeed rounder though. If it wasn't for the PERS I'd definitely take a hairblower to this thing and see if I couldn't match that look though.
Does anyone dare plan to increase the stubble. I might on my second if I can find my airbrush. If I screw it up I'll have to hide it with the turbin.