HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Got HT Jones after work, not even the best photos do it justice. This figure is SICK! Packed up SS Indy and gave his TT body to Belloq. Def wanna take some compare/contrast shots soon.

Set up is awesome! Backgrounds and stand are amazing! I wish i had 15 of these guys, each in a dif pose. I've only jsut opened it, can't wait to mess with classic Raiders set ups! Dunno what everyones talkin about with Eyeliner, joules and all that ____, dude is perfek! I've been waiting for this figure since i was 5 years old!
OK, I got him.....

First, this box is reeeeeeeeeeeally heavy.

Second, this is really a nice presentation. This is my first DX experience, and I like it.

Third, is the neck poseable? I mean the actual neck. It won't budge on mine. The head moves around fine, but the neck itself is stuck hard. I have a Dastan and a T-800 T1 and both those sculpted necks move fairly well.

I got this figure at nightfall, so its very limiting to appreciate fully. The darkness does not help the sculpt. That said, everything looks nice in the box.

I'm going to have to report on this tomorrow when I can really see what I got in-hand. The lamps around here play with the colors and make things look wrong. I'm also under the weather today and I don't want my crankiness to impact my opinion of this figure.

It does look great -- but I'm not blown away by any means.

That's as harsh as I'm going to get right now.

I did take a couple pics of the unveiling. And everyone is correct, this head is a biyatch to photograph...




Night, under lamps, brings out the guyliner, sorry. It isn't as apparent in hand...but its the brow ridge that really makes that area dark and causes you to put harsh light to reveal the eyes and, voila, guyliner. At least it does tonight, on mine.
I know, sorry. I really wanted to get this earlier and do a full report...but its just too late and I feel blah.

I did finally get the neck to move. I find that its hard to pose him looking up because the hat-hair hits the neck and wants to pop off. Not that Indy looks up too often, but you know.

*I like the hat very much. Not sure why this was such an issue for SS. I also must be one of the few who didn't get the divot in the front of the brim. Oh its there, but very slight. Cynical me now wonders what I lost in that trade.

*I don't think the sculpted body looks too bulky.

*The choice of materials is very nice: pants, belt, shirt, all very nice and realistic to the touch.

*So far, I don't care for the jacket too much. Its soft and buttery but won't hold wrinkles...and the fly-away collar is silly. Paperclip trick is a must here! I don't think water treatment will work here.
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Got HT Jones after work, not even the best photos do it justice. This figure is SICK! Packed up SS Indy and gave his TT body to Belloq. Def wanna take some compare/contrast shots soon.

Set up is awesome! Backgrounds and stand are amazing! I wish i had 15 of these guys, each in a dif pose. I've only jsut opened it, can't wait to mess with classic Raiders set ups! Dunno what everyones talkin about with Eyeliner, joules and all that ____, dude is perfek! I've been waiting for this figure since i was 5 years old!

:exactly: :goodpost::clap
OK, I got him.....

First, this box is reeeeeeeeeeeally heavy.

Second, this is really a nice presentation. This is my first DX experience, and I like it.

Third, is the neck poseable? I mean the actual neck. It won't budge on mine. The head moves around fine, but the neck itself is stuck hard. I have a Dastan and a T-800 T1 and both those sculpted necks move fairly well.

I got this figure at nightfall, so its very limiting to appreciate fully. The darkness does not help the sculpt. That said, everything looks nice in the box.

I'm going to have to report on this tomorrow when I can really see what I got in-hand. The lamps around here play with the colors and make things look wrong. I'm also under the weather today and I don't want my crankiness to impact my opinion of this figure.

It does look great -- but I'm not blown away by any means.

That's as harsh as I'm going to get right now.

I did take a couple pics of the unveiling. And everyone is correct, this head is a biyatch to photograph...




Night, under lamps, brings out the guyliner, sorry. It isn't as apparent in hand...but its the brow ridge that really makes that area dark and causes you to put harsh light to reveal the eyes and, voila, guyliner. At least it does tonight, on mine.

:) Congrats. I see Indy in the top right pic. How are you going to end up posing it?
Yes, that it is. And I've only been toying with the principle figure, none of the bits yet. It's strange, is looks so lifelike on the desk here, even the material of the shirt and pants looks to scale.

And those Alden's are very thin "leather" so they behave very realistic even at this scale. I thought they'd be hard as a rock but they're not at all.

But this sculpt gives me no end of trouble. I do see Ford. Here, at my table. But getting that on 'film'... hard as hell.



Guyliner or not, this thing has Harrison Ford's eyes!

This is my first PERS... I like the novelty, but I'm already kind of done with them. I think for Batman or Joker they would be more fun than with Indy. It's really creepy if you just move them around slowly like the doll is looking around your room...then locks eyes with YOU!
Thanks, but I don't think any of my photos are particularly good. The sculpt is very tricky to photograph as everyone has said. A good pic is just luck of the draw.

Now here is a better pic...


Yeah, that's a good one too :) So how are you going to end up posing him?
Yeah, that's a good one too :) So how are you going to end up posing him?

Not sure yet. Either static standing, holding whip as if about to enter somewhere dangerous... OR maybe gun in one hand, whip in the other, in that unseen moment before he whipped the poker out of Toht's hand.

Then again, I still might make this a filthy, post plane fight Indy. You know, bloody and messed up.

Here's a few more pics trying to capture Ford in this thing...


Sorry for the blur....

Yeah, he's fun. Most fun I've had with a figure in a long time. Probably partly because of the challenges in photographing him. Every now and then I see Ford flash by and try to take a pic of that.

Actually, of the 4 pics I posted, I very much like the determination in the upper left one, and will probably try to pose him with that attitude.
Yes, this figure is so much fun! I swear that just by moving the eyes a micro millimeter, completely changes the whole expression/attitude on the face.
I wonder what figure of the 5 so far had the most successful PERS in terms of benefitting the character?

I would imagine that Sparrow will be best served by this gimmick. After him, then Jack's Joker.
Congrats, Wor-Gar! Hope you're feeling up to the task tomorrow. :duff

Also, I have a couple of the bodies and the inner neck joint is quite tight on both. It does move, but the poor fit of the head to the neck makes difficult without just pushing his "wig" up, if you know what I mean.

I do like the muscle body except for the limitations posing the arms. :gah:

Anyway, enjoy!
Yeah, he's fun. Most fun I've had with a figure in a long time. Probably partly because of the challenges in photographing him. Every now and then I see Ford flash by and try to take a pic of that.

Actually, of the 4 pics I posted, I very much like the determination in the upper left one, and will probably try to pose him with that attitude.

So Wor Gar do you think it's a solid built looking figure with amazing detail like I see it, Between Indy and Superman those two have got to be the most solidly well constructed figures I've ever own. wait to you see it in natural daylight. :yess:
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