HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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DX Bruce Lee :wink1:

Makes sense.

So Wor Gar do you think it's a solid built looking figure with amazing detail like I see it, Between Indy and Superman those two have got to be the most solidly well constructed figures I've ever own. wait to you see it in natural daylight. :yess:

Yes, very solid, but most recent HT efforts feel nice and heavy like that. T-800 T1 is really heavy.

I can' wait to see this in the morning. It's gonna be like Christmas, I'm already excited.

Congrats, Wor-Gar! Hope you're feeling up to the task tomorrow. :duff

Thanks for the scoop on the neck. Very tough to move but I finally nudged it. Had to strip him down to do it though.

I'll feel better tomorrow and this will be a welcome surprise. I wasn't expecting him until tomorrow or Thurs originally, so it was just a bonus that I got it today and that I was home to actually sign for it.

It's funny, the more I play with this, the better I'm feeling. Power of God or something...

DX Bruce Lee :wink1:
Yup He's my choice too



Although, Indy's PERS is growing on me
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I'm getting both. But I'd have to go with Indy if I could only have one. I really like superman but Im raiders fan through and through!
Congrats to everyone that finally got theirs! Some really great pics in this thread so far. :clap

Happy now, Wor-Gar? Was it worth the money and all the waiting??
Too dark to take decent photos with my point and shot. But just had to play with it.


Congrats Toylion ! As others have said ,this figures urges you to take pictures with the Indy theme music playing over and over in your head ! It's amazing to me that it's now sold out at Sideshow and AE. In the beginning all the naysayers where reporting mass cancellations and prices dropping rapidly on Ebay .
I had a go at the turban last night. My one is not constructed like the one referenced in the instruction booklet. It has two small stitches on the longer tails, making a "face hole"?
It looks really cool on, but different than the pics I have seen on here.
Anyone else notice this?

Here are a couple of unfutzed iphone pics.. you can see the stitching at eyelevel left and right, it makes kinda a nuns habit for the face..

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Might pick up a 1/6 sherman LMAOO
I was checking those out tonight and damn! I'd pick one up if I didn't think the postage to Oz was going to double the price of that thing.

As for the Indy vs Supes thing, how do you possibly compare them? On likeness it's got to be Reeve, and that's who I'm picking up as my only figure for the month. But Indy looks like a lot of fun- I can't imagine the Supes figure offering as much playtime. The fun factor is nearly enough to bring me back in... uh, this hobby...
I was checking those out tonight and damn! I'd pick one up if I didn't think the postage to Oz was going to double the price of that thing.

As for the Indy vs Supes thing, how do you possibly compare them? On likeness it's got to be Reeve, and that's who I'm picking up as my only figure for the month. But Indy looks like a lot of fun- I can't imagine the Supes figure offering as much playtime. The fun factor is nearly enough to bring me back in... uh, this hobby...

That pretty much sums it up Lejuan. Supes is amazing but you can't have as much fun with him.:lecture:exactly:
Yeah, he's fun. Most fun I've had with a figure in a long time. Probably partly because of the challenges in photographing him. Every now and then I see Ford flash by and try to take a pic of that.

Actually, of the 4 pics I posted, I very much like the determination in the upper left one, and will probably try to pose him with that attitude.

From all your pics there, I'll probably choose the lower left. :monkey1

Nice pics Wor-Gar. :clap
OK, I got him.....

First, this box is reeeeeeeeeeeally heavy.

Second, this is really a nice presentation. This is my first DX experience, and I like it.

Third, is the neck poseable? I mean the actual neck. It won't budge on mine. The head moves around fine, but the neck itself is stuck hard. I have a Dastan and a T-800 T1 and both those sculpted necks move fairly well.

I got this figure at nightfall, so its very limiting to appreciate fully. The darkness does not help the sculpt. That said, everything looks nice in the box.

I'm going to have to report on this tomorrow when I can really see what I got in-hand. The lamps around here play with the colors and make things look wrong. I'm also under the weather today and I don't want my crankiness to impact my opinion of this figure.

It does look great -- but I'm not blown away by any means.

That's as harsh as I'm going to get right now.

I did take a couple pics of the unveiling. And everyone is correct, this head is a biyatch to photograph...




Night, under lamps, brings out the guyliner, sorry. It isn't as apparent in hand...but its the brow ridge that really makes that area dark and causes you to put harsh light to reveal the eyes and, voila, guyliner. At least it does tonight, on mine.

Great pic.