HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Yeaaaah... No


Potential? Yes.
Similarity? No.

And that's w/o counting it's size.

Why don't you just get a severed head of Harrison Ford and plop it on the HT body?? :dunno seriously,because I have yet to see a 100% to the T, perfect sculpt by anyone
the side by side comparison is pointless… the sculpt's jawline is clearly tensed to go with his "darker" expression. the repaint, in my opinion, looks fantastic.

i don't mind having the sculpt repainted to suit my personal taste, but is it worth the bother if HT has another Indy… or 2 or 3 around the corner ala The Joker?
The sculpt is pretty close.
The jawline is too wide for Ford and throws the whole thing off.
And the eye shadow is just bizarre. Not sure what that is about.
Riddick, are you even planning on buying this figure?

Yep, I am tied to pre-order as I mentioned in a previous deceased thread.

He already did!!!
Pre-ordered and paid in full on Ebay if I remember correctly... :rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

Nope, silly you :lol I always PO tho my friend from Singapore.
I can refuse but that's not nice :dunno

Besides I like the quality of most of the clothes and accessories.
So what are you going to do with it? Sell it once it arrives?

As I mentioned in a previous deceased thread :rotfl
Plan is to sell the whole arabic set and possibly the head, replace the body, head and jacket.

Also it's about me and my needness of three Indiana from each movie :monkey2
It's easy to get carried away with Indy. I've stuck to mostly Raiders variations at this point. I do look forward to swapping out the turban and robe of my Map Room Indy with the HT garb.
It's easy to get carried away with Indy. I've stuck to mostly Raiders variations at this point. I do look forward to swapping out the turban and robe of my Map Room Indy with the HT garb.

I always thought I'd make my SS Indy the Map Room Indy and have HT Indy as my prime Indy... but now I'm thinking of making HT Indy a post-plane fight Indy -- you know, bloody, dirty, dusty, a real mess.

I'm also rethinking my need of a Map Room Indy, since it's so singularly specific to just that one moment.
Someone with the HT pistol in hand.. how does it compare in size to the Sideshow S&W ??? Curious if my current pattern for holsters will still work or if I need to tweak it... Faststreets ?
The map room is nice but like C-King, I couldn't imagine posing Indy in anything other than the adventurer outfit. Too bad SS didn't do something from the Peruvian temple to go along with the idol display instead.
This is just the strangest figure - even when watching Clipperking's review, when he would move the camera around so you could see the figure from different angles, I was thinking "Oop, there's Ford! Nope, now gone again. Oh, there, he's back! Nope, now we're back to Beckham..." .
Arnie Kim had the beard enhanced with a repaint. If he did not, then he got one with a lot more stuble than the rest of the pictures we have seen.
Posted from Arnie Kims Facebook page!


I see Ford in the pic showing the right side of sculpt. Not the left side. That's how it is in every review or picture so far.

are those pics arnie kims way of saying " sculpts fine, its the paint job that sucks? sideshow deja vu here! does look good mind!

This repaint does make the image look a lot better, and if it did have this paint job, I would buy this figure. It is already expensive, so having to spend an extra $100 on another paint job is too much for my pocket book. I'm just hoping Temple of Doom Indy is made to look more like this above and the left nostril gets fixed as well.

The sculpt is pretty close.
The jawline is too wide for Ford and throws the whole thing off.
And the eye shadow is just bizarre. Not sure what that is about.

When the sculpt is tilted as the two above pictures are, it masks the overlay large jaw and makes it look proportionally correct. That is why I see Ford's likeness in the bottom picture. I can understand Arnie and most people avoiding the frontal shot now since it displays the jaw issue and makes the figure look off.

Its Hot Toys' own fault, really. They spoiled us by making each new release more perfect than any other that came before :) If this came out a couple years ago, we'd be kneeling in awe of the figure. Then again, we'd also be paying $130 for it. When one has to shell out a fifth of one's salary for a doll ( :) ), one is entitled to demand near perfection one got used to.

Agreed, at a $130 price point and two years ago this would be figure of the year easily. The market has changed and we expect (Superman Reeve) quality from now on which we now know they can meet those expectations. I do believe that the Chris Reeve Superman is now the defunct standard every figure will now be judged by that HT makes. Here is the Chris Reeve sculpt in natural light

I missed eyebrow #45 ;)

The sculpt is much fatter overall than Ford was back then and, as karamazov pointed out, the cheekbones greatly affect the likeness.

I pointed this out in the last thread about this issue and in one post in this thread. Here is the link below within this thread.
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Thanks for providing another instance of the sort of post I was referring to. Obviously, the same could be said of the HT sculpt and would be no more or less valid.

I think you are missing something here. There are a lot do people who are constantly throwing the repainted SS sculpt in the face of the people here who do see Fore in this HT figure, People who didnt criticize early fish eyed photos that distort images. Now we are seeing really nice shots that show off just how amazing this HS is (personal bias aside). Yet it's still being said that THAT (HS) is the reason for hesitation on picking this up. Imagine if this came with the SS HS? In think then we would have an uproar. Myself included.

I just don't get it? :thwak