HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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So Butters are you saying the DXs don't have paint app variations, or are you just changing your tune because you don't know what you are talking about again!?

:lol. Superman, don't waste your time with this guy.
He is a one tune record. Same old, same old.
And he hasn't a clue what he's rabbiting on about!

The fact that we havd gotten two screen idols from the 70's/80's in the last couple of weeks is amazing. One of them looks like screen captures of the actual actor and the other doesn't.

Any painter on here will tell you those pics Arnie posted are re-paints. You can see the hand brush dotting on the stubble shadow. You don't get that on production paint apps.
A couple more pics...I'll post some more tomorrow :)



Great pics man. I still have serious issues with his mouth/jaw protruding and being over sized, but your pics are the best raw/real ones I've seen. Not feeling as bad about paying for this now, inaccurate or not. The ageing/ weathering looks pretty good on yours too.
Great pics man. I still have serious issues with his mouth/jaw protruding and being over sized, but your pics are the best raw/real ones I've seen. Not feeling as bad about paying for this now, inaccurate or not. The ageing/ weathering looks pretty good on yours too.

If that's your main complaint, you'll be happy when it's in hand because for some reason the camera makes the jaw protrude and the face look hand it doesn't look that way.
If that's your main complaint, you'll be happy when it's in hand because for some reason the camera makes the jaw protrude and the face look hand it doesn't look that way.

I look forward to finally getting it. Regardless thanks for posting those pics, makes the figure as a whole look more solid.
I just wish it had been a homerun with the sculpt like Superman.
Thanks, dsokyra. Awesome pics!

And when you do more, try to take a few wider angle shots. Here is a pretty subtle example of the distortion I mean when you rely on the ol' macro lens too much:


This example is pretty minor. I've been taking a bunch of pics of a custom fig in the last week, and I was amazed at just how hugely the lens distorts the face when you are in really close.

I see what your saying...I'll take some wider ones tomorrow :)
I think I should apologize, of course these are all exactly the same. Companies never make honest mistakes. Factories never make mistakes. Again, I am sorry if I offended anyone with my observations and my opinion.

By the way, took these photos today. When I asked the guy to please let me do it, he suggested that I buy the thinner one, it looks more like Indiana Jones to him.

Please notice that on most of these pics the ears are touching to show matching height depth (they aren't perfect pics, but you will see my point based on plastic mass, not paint ...).





I did this one like this on purpose:

Remember the original Kenner Star Wars line 3 3/4 "Big Head Han", please welcome variant "Big Head Indy" ...

And for the record, the thinner head looks AWESOME!!!
I think I should apologize, of course these are all exactly the same. Companies never make honest mistakes. Factories never make mistakes. Again, I am sorry if I offended anyone with my observations and my opinion.

By the way, took these photos today. When I asked the guy to please let me do it, he suggested that I buy the thinner one, it looks more like Indiana Jones to him.

Please notice that on most of these pics the ears are touching to show matching height depth (they aren't perfect pics, but you will see my point based on plastic mass, not paint ...).





I did this one like this on purpose:


Oh wow, so this may be the problem we are seeing. (on top of lens distortion) Why some jaws look better than others. I still see the same nose that is still off. Perhaps two different factories producing heads from slightly different casts? At this point, there is no denying those sculpts are different. Obviously the thinner jaw variant looks way way better. This is going to raise a whole other line of firestorm with people asking for replacement heads etc if they feel theirs is the monkey jaw looking one.
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I'd wait until more people have this in hand before even thinking about variant head conspiracy theories. :lol

Seriously, this release has seen more than its fair share of :panic: so far.

No more insulting people for bringing up valid points as we all try to help each other to get the best figures possible, OK?
The Lee had various size head-sculpts as well that was confirmed. This seems to be a more common issue with the PERS heads perhaps.


Maybe the hollowness inside the PERS head and the way the plastic dries creates the slightly different shaped widths? Seems plausible to me.

Thanks. We all want the best possible likeness of Indy.
I still don't follow what you are saying. Are you telling us that you where looking at 3 different HT Indy HS in person. And ALL 3 were different?? Not just a little different in the paint app but different in the actual shape and sculpt of the head?! Really?

Follow this:





I did this one like this on purpose:

This picture is the clearest proof - TOTALLY different. The two Bruce Lees don't look anywhere near this different.

Hot Toys has a major problem on their hands. Everyone is going to get a dupe head - or maybe they'll have to destroy the first one like that dude with the defective Medi C-3PO.

They might as well fix the problem with the nose while they are at it and make the sculpt perfect.
It's hard to see it in the bottom picture, but the others, wow, the big head does look worse. I am so frustrated that I can't check the heads myself. I really hope I get a good one. Hopefully this is a problem with a small batch

If you don't like your head, tell em to send you a new one.