HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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The variations seem to be minor, but because the sculpt is debatable, any little change will make it go one way or the other.

Still, the thought of these variations in the molds or just the way they warped when they dried is a little worrisome.
oh man i didnt know about this head problem. will hot toys replace my indi heads if i get bloated ver.?

No official statement has been made about variant heads or what they plan to do about it from Hot Toys.

The variations seem to be minor, but because the sculpt is debatable, any little change will make it go one way or the other.

Still, the thought of these variations in the molds or just the way they warped when they dried is a little worrisome.

I posted awhile ago that I believe it to be warping while drying, however it might be two different casts that made it out to two different shops. At first I attributed the variations as lens distortions and without a side by side, we would have not discovered this problem sooner. The debate about the likeness being off would have continued.
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So we're back to variants? I guess I can do this now... :panic:

Eager to see how this plays out over the next few in-handers.

Yeah, same here because if as I said it hits GC on SS site before the end of the year I might go for it. However, if there are some kind of strange head variants floating around not sure I want to deal with that. Would be kind of another blow to this figure for me personally.
Just read through the last 15 or so pages and all I have to say is....

This is awesome:
So wait. There are two heads or there is a supposition building that because of photos of someone who got it domestically and someone who has one either overseas or from overseas that there are two different heads?

I can't see most of the pics at work but is there a pic of the batch heads? One of the bad and the good next to each other?
Well maybe dsokyra's full figure pics will put us at ease as far as lens distortion.

The head variant issue, well, we'll see. I wonder if timing this as a US/Asia release gave us two different batches: an earlier US one and the later Asia variant.
Come on , some of you yaysayers act like they kicked you in the
nuts. LOL

Its obvious we have a variant issue at hand and I gotta admit, while only a slight difference, it looks better. Incredibly, This is gonna get GOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!

Going to wait it out and see if SS gets the good batch. If so I may actually get one. The better "batch" looks great.
Seems like HT was already producing headsculpts and then the hub-bub came about and they tweaked the sculpt a bit. However, in order to not have to lose money, HT just didn't replace the earlier sculpts.
I don't think they tweaked the sculpt. I think these are just normal kinds or variations in the final product because of a batch of plastic (or whatever) that might have dried funny or gotten misshapen in the mold. Or if they use different molds, that the molds were not 100% equal when they were constructed.

Really those differences are so minor, normally no-one would notice. But because the sculpt is debatably off, even the slightest variation will make or break the likeness.
Seems like HT was already producing headsculpts and then the hub-bub came about and they tweaked the sculpt a bit. However, in order to not have to lose money, HT just didn't replace the earlier sculpts.

A simpler explanation is the way the plastic dries when making the sculpts. Having thin heads in order for the PERS to fit in might be contributing to some deformities between sculpts. I posted a pic awhile back with two Bruce Lee PERS heads that were also off in the same manner as Indy so this isn't the first time this issue has happened with Hot Toys.
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I don't think they tweaked the sculpt. I think these are just normal kinds or variations in the final product because of a batch of plastic (or whatever) that might have dried funny or gotten misshapen in the mold. Or if they use different molds, that the molds were not 100% equal when they were constructed.

Really those differences are so minor, normally no-one would notice. But because the sculpt is debatably off, even the slightest variation will make or break the likeness.

I think your right ...
Loontentoys sent me a mail with pictures of my indinana jones, I will get the better looking HS :)) Thats what I call good service!
Loontentoys sent me a mail with pictures of my indinana jones, I will get the better looking HS :)) Thats what I call good service!

That IS good service.

I don't think they tweaked the sculpt. I think these are just normal kinds or variations in the final product because of a batch of plastic (or whatever) that might have dried funny or gotten misshapen in the mold. Or if they use different molds, that the molds were not 100% equal when they were constructed.

Really those differences are so minor, normally no-one would notice. But because the sculpt is debatably off, even the slightest variation will make or break the likeness.

I would agree. But I'm curious to see more in-hand pics to see how truly different these "two heads" can look, and to try and sort if there is an asian batch or American batch to decide where to order from to minimize my chances of getting a "bad" sculpt.