HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Now, now... Don't be the ref that throws the flag against the second guy. :lol Deal with the problem at the source if you want order restored.
Then again, I can't be the only one who now has 'Superman' on Ignore, can it? :huh And that's crazy, because I have only ever put one other person on that list.

Please delete it all including my post, just so long as I don't have to keep looking at that picture

I wish I could. All I can do here is give infractions. Report the posts you want deleted.

Now, now... Don't be the ref that throws the flag against the second guy. :lol Deal with the problem at the source if you want order restored.

Then again, I can't be the only one who now has 'Superman' on Ignore, can it? :huh

I'm tossing a flag on all of you. :lol You all be the better people and ignore his/her posts for the love of god. That way the problem is easier to take care of.
Ok I had to catch up on all these posts...I'll post more pics after work. I don't know if there are different batches of sculpts...that theory seems kinda off to me, but I could be wrong...I will say that I believe its all in the positioning of the eyes...if not positioned correctly it doesn't look like Ford. I'll literally be moving the PERS around and suddenly I hit the sweet spot and he looks life-like and for the camera distortion issue, I addressed this pages ago...yes, if you take pics up close the camera tends to make his jaw protrude and his face seem does not look this way in hand. I'll get some far away pics up ASAP guys...until then debate away :)
Let's go back to the specific pics in question -- the ones that gave rise to the 'good/bad' sculpt possibility...







The Lee had various size head-sculpts as well that was confirmed. This seems to be a more common issue with the PERS heads perhaps.


Maybe the hollowness inside the PERS head and the way the plastic dries creates the slightly different shaped widths? Seems plausible to me.

Thanks. We all want the best possible likeness of Indy.

Oi, those are my heads!

I'm not saying my custom will be any better than anyone else's and never have. What I'LL have is something that to MY eyes looks better than the HT one.

We are all entitled to our own opinion on this figure and if that conflicts with anybody else's then so be it. At the end of the day it's a 1/6th figure and not something worth causing wars over. If you like it, all well and good, but don't come in all guns blazing when somebody doesn't share your views.

Nobody should ever be afraid to say what they think
War Gar, for that you have to go to page 86 in this thread


Those pics are gone. Truth be told, I had trouble seeing a significant difference in those pics. But I do see a substantial difference in dsokyra's pics. His are the ONLY ones.

EDIT: just saw Rzez' post - yes, I see the slightly cheeky Indy looking less like Ford, but I don't know how apparent that will be in hand with nothing to compare it to.
Those pics are gone. Truth be told, I had trouble seeing a significant difference in those pics. But I do see a substantial difference in dsokyra's pics. His are the ONLY ones.

EDIT: just saw Rzez' post - yes, I see the slightly cheeky Indy looking less like Ford, but I don't know how apparent that will be in hand with nothing to compare it to.

See I would have been fine with the one on the left if that was all we ended up with, but seeing as there is a better mass produced head from HT out there too, of course I will want the better of the two. So hopefully SS batch wont be seeing the one on the left. :pray:
Those pics are gone. Truth be told, I had trouble seeing a significant difference in those pics. But I do see a substantial difference in dsokyra's pics. His are the ONLY ones.

EDIT: just saw Rzez' post - yes, I see the slightly cheeky Indy looking less like Ford, but I don't know how apparent that will be in hand with nothing to compare it to.

I agree, but still, you'd have to put the head on the left on a body and position it EXACTLY like the other one to do a fair angles and the camera can play tricks...
This is the pic that has me concerned:


That could just be the slightest of difference in the tilt of the head on the left. It looks like it could be just a teeny bit leaning back, making the chin more protruded, as compared to the one on the right.

Which is all that more annoying because with just the slightest angle, and I mean like a millimeter, and you have HF's stuntman instead of HF.