HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Has anyone on these boards received a figure with a "monkey jaw"? Until that happens, it's not worth yet another :panic: firedrill. So far, only one here has received his figure directly and he's shared that he loves it in-hand and indeed it looks pretty awesome in his pics. The earlier bad photos have been rendered moot unless others here get something that looks more like those, which I now tend to doubt.
Really? I said the sculpt was 100% PERFECT huh? Show me.

They can't. Just like they can't find any posts where I "praised" the headsculpt. But that won't keep them from throwing strawmen into their arguments. Because, afterall, if you don't completely hate something that surely must mean that you LOVE it.
The bottom line for me will be if he looks good when I open the box. All of these variations and inconsistencies are interesting for discussion but I'm not sure I'd even be able to tell the difference if I didn't have multiple figures to compare. If I open him up and he looks crappy the little red line on the map will be going straight back to California...dah dah DAH DHA, dah dah DAH...:lol
Great imagery there, imagining the UPS truck superimposed over the map, driving down the highway :lol:
Was the bloated head sculpt shown before? Who had a bloated head before that pic surfaced?

Really? I said the sculpt was 100% PERFECT huh? Show me.

For that you have to go to the closed thread and skim through. This one below was one of the first shown. There are plenty others. I don't feel like going through hundreds of pages honestly.

That doesnt look like the bloated head to me. But ok. :rotfl

Look at the one above, then look at this one where the jaw is trimmed below.


Now tell me if you see Monkey Face Indy in the top pic which you quoted above?
I see that Indy-On-Tin Foil pic when I close my eyes. Can we please stop posting it? I keep expecting his head to start flopping around like Saddam on South Park.
I'm not sure which is worse Superman posting over and over the same thing or some of you giving it the attention it doesn't deserve. Thus making this thread an even larger headache than it needs to be. :slap
No doubt. The dude just doesnt get it. :slap

You asked me to post you an early pic of monkey face Indy then you tell me you see nothing wrong with it.. lol.. then I show you a fixed version of it that does look like Indy and you have nothing to say about it other than I don't get it? It seems to me you don't get it quite honestly. How much more proof do you need?
I'm not sure which is worse Superman posting over and over the same thing or some of you giving it the attention it doesn't deserve. Thus making this thread an even larger headache than it needs to be. :slap

Please delete it all including my post, just so long as I don't have to keep looking at that picture
I'm not sure which is worse Superman posting over and over the same thing or some of you giving it the attention it doesn't deserve. Thus making this thread an even larger headache than it needs to be. :slap

Now, now... Don't be the ref that throws the flag against the second guy. :lol Deal with the problem at the source if you want order restored.

Then again, I can't be the only one who now has 'Superman' on Ignore, can it? :huh And that's crazy, because I have only ever put one other person on that list.