HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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This is the pic that has me concerned:


So it should.

The difference there is staggering.
See I would have been fine with the one on the left if that was all we ended up with, but seeing as there is a better mass produced head from HT out there too, of course I will want the better of the two. So hopefully SS batch wont be seeing the one on the left. :pray:

Just so you know, I know someone who knows someone who has seen three heads all have noticeably different widths up close. My guess is the problem has little to do with a bad batch, but more to do with the drying process of the plastic while being pulled off the mold. The thinness of the molds because of PERS is what is contributing to this issue.
That could just be the slightest of difference in the tilt of the head on the left. It looks like it could be just a teeny bit leaning back, making the chin more protruded, as compared to the one on the right.

Which is all that more annoying because with just the slightest angle, and I mean like a millimeter, and you have HF's stuntman instead of HF.

That's a rational thought. That could be it. I saw that pic and :panic::panic::panic: set in. Youve calmed my nerves a bit. Still wont have this guy till next week. :(
That's a rational thought. That could be it. I saw that pic and :panic::panic::panic: set in. Youve calmed my nerves a bit. Still wont have this guy till next week. :(

It's not a tilt of the head. There are more pictures than that one with all sorts of different angles.


The same amount of plastic gets injected into each mold. So if the face is wider, the jaw will be pushed up a bit from the bottom distorting it as you can see in the picture above. The face on the right is longer/ narrower giving it a better appearance.

In other words, squish the head on the left and you get the head on the right.
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Everyone relax...I'm sure if you are looking forward to this figure you'll be happy when you get it...ill be really surprised if this thread fills up with disgruntled Freaks that all have different sculpts.
Everyone relax...I'm sure if you are looking forward to this figure you'll be happy when you get it...ill be really surprised if this thread fills up with disgruntled Freaks that all have different sculpts.

Actually, I take that back...knowing this group, that's probably EXACTLY what will happen lol
It's funny coz I'm worrin' that I don't have cash for Indy AND Superman while I have both on PO and not bcoz of the another lottery with quality of the sculpt :lol:lol:lol

No, it's not funny... at all... :(
I think you guys are buddy across the street got one too and his sculpt looks slightly off to me...
