HT DX05 - Indiana Jones - in-hand images

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Wow, I was able to get mine from a Hong Kong seller shipped for $30 cheaper than it would had I ordered from sideshow. That in state California tax really makes or breaks my decisions to order high ticket items through sideshow directly.
Thanks for all the nice comments guys. I really do like this figure alot and would still say this looks much better in person than any photos I could take. Thanks again... I think this forum is awesome, glad to be a part of the madness good n' bad. :hi5:
The pics...





I hope you guys like the photos, whether or not you like the figure.

Craze, you sell yourself a little short buddy, those are fabulous shots! :clap

Thank you.
By the way those are just point and shoot photos that I took, just set it on the wood stove and shot away... no fancy lighting or tripod or nothing. So thats the figure pretty much outta the box and geared up.
By the way those are just point and shoot photos that I took, just set it on the wood stove and shot away... no fancy lighting or tripod or nothing. So thats the figure pretty much outta the box and geared up.

Well now you've gone and done it.

You've tempted us to see more great Craze pics. :yess:

And yours don't have guyliner.:lol
So... is the idea that there are two different heads - big bad head and narrow good head - going away now?

I'm freaked out by the idea that all the pics so far - the terrible, the okay and the incredible - have all been the exact same head under different conditions.

faststreets' reaction to me suggested that he initially saw something bad in person, then later saw something better in person?

There's going to need to be a HT Indy mini-convention where everyone brings theirs along and compares in-hand.

Actually the poster(faststreet) who started this stated that he had a pick of 4 Indy's and to him all 4 looked different. He then went back to the store and took photos of 2 sculpts that looked different. So there isn't two different mold, but rather one sculpt that seems to vary. Maybe because it's a hollow head and when still warm can be distorted.
Well now you've gone and done it.

You've tempted us to see more great Craze pics. :yess:

And yours don't have guyliner.:lol

I am honestly confused with the appearence of the guyliner in certain photos I don't see it at all on the figure unless I put it right under a bright light, but then there are deep shadows all over, so I dunno if some paint jobs are darker than others or what??? On the shelf the eyes look the same as Wolverine's or the Terminators, and my other HTs as far as shades around the eyes go. :dunno
Actually the poster(faststreet) who started this stated that he had a pick of 4 Indy's and to him all 4 looked different. He then went back to the store and took photos of 2 sculpts that looked different. So there isn't two different mold, but rather one sculpt that seems to vary. Maybe because it's a hollow head and when still warm can be distorted.

Precisely, you have to go back to page 86 and read from there. That happened this morning. He saw 4 that were different and picked the one with the thinnest looking face to buy. All must have been from the same batch and factory, so it has to be the drying process of the mold when it is removed from the casting that depends how it looks. Once a mold dries, there is no fixing it unless re-heated which would damage the paint job. I see Craze's pictures and even though they are great quality pictures, I just don't see Indy in any of those. To me it looks too much like the prototype which I don't like.

I just don't see Ford in this pic below. The eyes look off as well as the nose. It is the same with the prototype for me.This is probably one of the good ones for jaw proportion though.

no fixing it unless re-heated which would damage the paint job.

Is that true? Can you not heat with a blowdryer and reshape to a degree -- or at least let it settle to its proper form? Maybe warm water is a safer bet?

I would not want to damage the PERS or the paint, but a little heat sometimes puts things right back where they should be.